Craisin Bars Recipe

Are you not happy with the Granola Bars that are available on the market as snacks? Try this alternative to Granola Bars! The following recipe was adapted from the commercial Lara Bars, with my own personal spin on it.


  • 2 Tablespoons of Almond Butter ( I like to use Almond and Cashew Butter)
  • 1/2 Cup of Brazil Nuts
  • 1/2 Cup of Walnuts
  • 1 Cup of Dates
  • 1 Cup of Dried Cranberries (Craisins)


  1. Begin by using a food processor to grind the brazil nuts and walnuts. Set the Ingredients aside.
  2. Combine the Almond Butter, Dried Cranberries, and Dates in the food processor and grind until it becomes finely chopped.
  3. Add the Nut mixture to the Fruit and Almond Butter Mixture, and mix well.
  4. Lay wax paper down in a casserole dish and put the mixture in the dish, making it flat and pressed down.
  5. Let the mixture set, then cut into bar shapes.
  6. Lay them flat in your freezer and let them harden.
  7. Pull them out of the freezer when ready to enjoy!

Alternatively, you can use the mixture to make small “Energy Balls”, as opposed to the bars.

What to Eat When You Cannot Eat Anything

RE - To Eat Or NotEliminating foods from your diet is very challenging, yet it can have many benefits to your health. Regardless of the benefits, eliminating foods can cause some distress when it comes topreparing meals or just eating in general. It leaves many saying “I cannot eat anything”. Hopefully this blog will provide some ideas on how to approach the elimination diet, or just making healthier food choices in general.

1. Fruits and Vegetables are your Friend

Though some diets might limit some of the vegetables or fruits you are allowed to eat, fruits and vegetables can be a good way to “fill you up”. Having plenty of fruits and vegetables pre – cut for snacks is a good way to avoid going to the snack items that you might not be allowed to have.

2. Cook Meals for the Week on Weekends or In Advance

Cooking meals for the week is a great way to avoid resorting to fast food items. It also takes away from the prep time that might be required with having more of a “whole – foods” type of diet. With this in mind, planning meals is another good way to avoid returning to old eating habits that might be more “convenient”.

3. Drink Water

Water is important to help you stay full, as well as help prevent you from going to those food options that are less than ideal. Water is also beneficial to help your body to detoxify during this time. Often, when we restrict the foods that we often consume, it can cause out bodies to go through a type of “withdrawal”. Drinking water helps our bodies to go through this process a bit more smoothly.

4. Experiment

Use these restrictions on your diet as a way to embrace new ways of food preparation. You might be surprised as to what you actually like (and don’t like). Using recipes on-line or in cook books, as well as spices and new products (maybe Brown Rice Pasta as opposed to Wheat – based pasta) can help you come up with creative ideas for meal planning.

5. Get Your Household Involved

As mentioned above, eliminating foods can be a challenging task for anyone. What might not help is when your loved ones are eating those foods you have eliminated, and you are the only one in your household adopting these diet changes. Depending on your household arrangements and those living in your household, I would encourage all of the members of your household to adopt the diet changes. It will help give you support during this time, as well as give more bonding in regards to meal preparation and planning.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.


3 Ingredients to add to Smoothies to Boost Health Benefits

Fresh Vegetable SmoothieA smoothie can be a great way to get plenty of health products into our bodies in a concise form. Other than including the fruits and veggies you already include in your morning smoothie, there are some additional ingredients that you can add for more impact on your health. The following three ingredients are great add-ins to any smoothie, not only for taste, but also for their health benefits.

1.   Flax Seed – The Harmonizer

Flax seed is a great addition to your smoothie for the many different health benefits is can provide. I have called it “the Harmonizer” because it has a great impact on harmonizing the different hormones in your body that might be too much or too little. It balances them out promoting more tranquility in your body. Digestion can also be aided Flax seed also contains essential fatty acids which are important in cardiovascular and brain health. Two table spoons of flax seed can be effectively added to smoothies to get the health benefits from this little seed. The flax seed should be ground up and should be stored in the freezer in order to keep it from going rancid.

  1. Coconut Oil – The Energizer

Not only can coconut oil add a smooth taste to your smoothie, but it can also provide some health benefits as well. Coconut oil is considered a healthy fat and contains medium chain fatty acids, which have been shown to provide energy. These fats provide fuel for the brain and are also beneficial for cholesterol levels. Try adding one to two tablespoons in your morning smoothie for that boost you need!

  1. Spinach – The Power House

You might find it odd the thought of putting veggies in your smoothie, particularly the veggie deemed famous through Pop-Eye. However adding this veggie to your smoothie does not change the taste of the smoothie (try it out)! I like to call this ingredient “The Power House” because of the punch of nutrition that this veggie can provide! Spinach is a good source of iron, folic acid, vitamin B6, nitrates, oxalates, beta-carotene, and lutein! Spinach is also a veggie that has anti-inflammatory benefits! Try adding one to two cups of spinach into your smoothie to get the most impact out of your smoothie!

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.

Spring: The Season of the Detox Part 3 – A Healthy Mind

Healthy Nutrition Against DementiaAfter the long winter we had, as I mentioned in the last blog, our bodies might be in need of a good “spring cleaning”. This might be the same story for our minds. Our minds are very important and integral to our health. Simply thinking one way versus the other can have detrimental effects on one’s health. For example, have you ever known someone that was terribly afraid of getting cancer, and would think about it constantly, then one day unfortunately developed that diagnosis? According to Epigenetics, this could have been preventing simply by thinking health promoting thoughts (eg “I am healthy and whole”). You might be asking what is Epigenetics? Epigenetics refers to the theory that we can control our genomic expression. In other words, our thoughts can change our body on a physical level. Simply by thinking differently, you can turn off bad or unhealthy programs, and turn on good or healthy programs that your body is “coding” for, thus eliminating disease.

So I now put this out to you: what is your mind coding your body for? Health? Disease? Spring is a season for detoxification, not just of our bodies, but also our minds. Just like your spring cleaning, clear out the clutter of negative and disease – encouraging thoughts, and I challenge you to replace it with positive and health promoting thoughts. As I mentioned in the previous blog (Spring: The Season of Detox Part 1), a detox is not just for spring. These health promoting thoughts can be incorporated into everyday life and can be made into a lifestyle!

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.