Stress and Weight: The Connection between Stress and Unsuccessful Weight Loss

Girl - Weight LossSome do not realize that their mind impacts their physical body, but in all reality it does. Take a moment and think about having to make a presentation in front of a crowd. Do you ever get “butterflies in your stomach”, start to sweat, or feel your heart beating fast? It is most likely because you are getting nervous or anxious. This is a prime example that our thoughts can impact our physical body. With this in mind, it is possible for our mental stress to have an impact on our ability to lose weight.

Historically, stress was a way that we survived. Our bodies dealt with stress for shorter periods of time, and most of the time it was more physical than mental. For example, stress was being chased down by a tiger. From this perspective, the stress caused a release of cortisol (stress hormone) which helped you to run faster, think clearer, breathe better, and ultimately survive.

Now, we are not running from tigers, we are dealing with piles of paperwork, financial issues, stress at home and stress at work. We are not physically dealing with our stress, yet our bodies continue to release the same hormones that would help us to run faster, think clearer, and breathe easier. On top of this, we are not getting the health benefits of the exercise of dealing with the stress of today (unless your paperwork begins to chase you around, then maybe). Because our bodies are dealing with stress for much longer, our health is negatively impacted because of the wear and tear these hormones being released for so long can have on our bodies. Prolonged stress slows the body’s capacity to heal, degrades organs, suppresses the immune system, increases blood pressure, increases appetite, and can cause muscle wasting.

So how does stress halt weight loss. From a physical perspective, cortisol, the stress hormone, causes many changes in the body when it is released. From a short term perspective, it causes our heart rate and blood sugars to increase in order to have the energy needed to handle the physical stress. This can cause not only an accumulation of fat in our bodies, but also other negative impact such as those listed above. From a mental – emotional perspective, stress can cause us to feel depressed, not get outside, lack motivation; all of which can contribute to weight gain.

Because of the large role stress can have on weight and overall health, one of the main things that I tend to focus on with any patient who comes in wanting to lose weight, is stress management. Once you eliminate stress and its impact on you, you may have a easier time losing weight, and also may feel better overall.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.





Pumpkin Craisin Bars Recipe

This recipe was inspired by the Craisin Bars recipe I posted several weeks ago. The changes I made were in the hopes of making it more “friendly” for those who might not like walnuts.


  • 2 Tablespoons of Almond Butter (I like to use Almond and Cashew Butter)
  • 1/2 Cup of Brazil Nuts
  • 1/2 Cup of Dehulled pumpkin seeds
  • 1 Cup of Dates
  • 1 Cup of Dried Cranberries (Craisins)
  • 2 Teaspoons of Vanilla


  1. Begin by using a food processor to grind the brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds. Set the Ingredients aside.
  2. Combine the Almond Butter, Dried Cranberries, Dates and Vanilla in the food processor and grind until it becomes finely chopped.
  3. Add the Nut mixture to the Fruit and Almond Butter Mixture, and mix well.
  4. Lay wax paper down in a casserole dish and put the mixture in the dish, making it flat and pressed down.
  5. Let the mixture set, then cut into bar shapes.
  6. Lay them flat in your freezer and let them harden.
  7. Pull them out of the freezer when ready to enjoy!
  8. Alternatively, you can use the mixture to make small “Energy Balls”, as opposed to the bars.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.


Power Food: Strawberries

Strawberry isolated on white backgroundStrawberries are a delicious fruit with quite the history. Historically, they were used for such conditions as kidney stones and were believed to possess great medicinal value. Strawberries were also used to symbolize perfection, righteousness, and love. Beyond these historical traits, strawberries provide an array of health benefits.

To begin with, strawberries are a terrific source of Vitamin C. They contain even higher concentrations of vitamin C than citrus fruits. A hand full of the fruit is enough to meet daily requirements for vitamin C. Strawberries also contain a high concentration of folate. Aside from these nutrients, strawberries are also a good source of fiber, potassium, vitamin A, manganese, iodine, magnesium, copper, iron, and phosphorous. In combination with these vitamins and minerals, strawberries also contain Quercetin, which has been shown to be effective for allergies. This fruit has also been shown to increase the absorption of iron from the diet.

Currently, we know that Strawberries have the following therapeutic actions, which makes it such a “Power Food”:

  • Anti – neoplastic – research has suggested that strawberries can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer
  • Anti – inflammatory – reduces or eliminates inflammation in the body
  • Anti – oxidant – reduces free – radical damage that can promote or cause disease
  • Anti – allergenic – reduces allergies, or symptoms of allergies
  • Anti – bacterial – kills or inhibits the growth of bacteria
  • Anti – aging – promotes health
  • Anti – coagulant – reduces blood thickening that might lead to disease
  • Anti – hypertensive – lowers blood pressure

Along with these health promoting benefits of strawberries, they also have the capacity to reduce insulin spikes following consumption of bread, protect against DNA damage (which can contribute to diseases such as cancer), and increase HDL (good) cholesterol.

Based on all of the properties that strawberries possess, they have the potential to aid in preventing cancer, cardiovascular disease, and plaque forming within arteries. One might argue that based on the properties that strawberries contain, that they could be beneficial for infections, high blood pressure, allergies, and promoting overall health.

Before you go running to pick those healthy, delicious strawberries, one thing should be taken into consideration. Food preparation matters. The fresher the fruit, the healthier it is for you! The more processing, such as cooking, that the fruit undergoes, the less of the nutritional properties that will be available.

So, the next time you look at a strawberry, do not merely judge it by its lovely red exterior, but acknowledge its nutritional value and how it can help you achieve your health goals!

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.

Beach Body Tips and Tricks

Girl - Weight LossBillions of dollars are being made on the topic of weight loss. Whether it is self-help books, diets, pills, or programs, a fortune is to be made in regards to helping people lose weight. There is no magic pill for weight loss. Ultimately, the way that you will achieve your weight loss goals is through making appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle. However, there are some tips and tricks that might help encourage your body to lose weight:


It might be surprising and sound very simple, but adequate, good – quality sleep is one of the ways we can prevent our bodies from “packing on” extra weight. When you do not get a good quality sleep, the following day you are more likely to eat 200-400 more calories! Giving your body the rest it needs will also help give you energy needed to exercise and make other lifestyle changes.



Starting your day off with a glass of water will help not only with appetite but also with energy. You are asleep for 8 hours (give or take), at which point you are not drinking any water. This causes your body to wake up in a dehydrated and depleted state. Drinking a glass of water helps to replenish those water stores causing you to have more energy and a fuller stomach before meals. Often, when we are feeling hungry, it might even be our bodies trying to tell us that we are actually thirsty.

Slow Down

In our society, everyone is on the run, and that includes meals. By slowing down our eating, we are giving our body time to release the appropriate hormones that will tell our body that we are full. It takes 20 minutes to release this hormone, and so, by rushing through meals, we are not allowing our body to know precisely when we are full. “Mindful Eating” can help slow down our eating to help our bodies know when they are full. For more information on Mindful Eating please see my Handouts page at

Smaller Portions

Everyone has heard time and time again to limit portions. A contributing factor to our larger portions might be the size of your plate. By using a smaller plate this will help to encourage smaller portions, as well as trick your mind into being satisfied (fuller plates tend to be more appealing to the eye hence why you normally want a full plate of food).


Note that anything beyond change in diet and lifestyle will not adequately retain weight loss goals. Please contact your doctor to inquire about how to make the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to achieve appropriate weight loss. You can also come see me, Elisha Cook, at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (416-498-9763) and let me help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.