Gut – Brain Connection

Healthy Nutrition Against DementiaRecently, a lot of research has emerged suggesting that there is a connection between gut health and your mental health. Though this seems odd, in a way this does seem quite logical. Within our guts is an additional nervous system called the enteric nervous system that responds to hormones in the gut, and so, by association, one might think that this nervous system would connect to our central nervous system. Therefore, the health of the one nervous system might in turn affect the health of the other nervous system. This in theory is poorly understood, but much research has shown that this could be useful for treatment of mental health concerns.

To begin with, some mental health concerns are due to inflammation in the brain, specifically in neurons. When neurons are inflamed, the system cannot function the way that it was meant to. Some studies have shown that an inappropriately balanced gastro-intestinal system (in regards to microorganisms) can lead to increased inflammation in the gut, which is associated with increased anxiety. By correcting the inflammation and altering the gut micro-flora, the inflammation and resultant anxiety was decreased.

Some research has also shown the influence of the specific gut microorganisms on hormones. Specifically, it has shown these the micro-organisms secrete dopamine and serotonin. These two compounds that are secreted are hormones that are related to mood and energy. I like to call them your happy hormones, though to be honest, undermining the full potential of these two hormones.

Finally, research has also shown that the appropriate gut micro flora can help to decrease the stress hormone cortisol. This could be due to several mechanisms including improved mood, therefore improved tolerance to stress.

If you are concerned that your gut health could be impacting your mental health, or that your gut could be in a healthier state, do not hesitate to consult a naturopathic doctor or seek health. The concerns you have could be very simple in origin and fixed simply if addressed sooner than later.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Sautéed Garlic and Tomato Sauce on Zucchini Recipe

Garlic and Tomato Saute recipeThose who are following a Paleo or Mediterranean style diet will love this recipe! This recipe is great for those who are trying to avoid gluten, dairy, and ultimately refined carbs. It can also be a vegan option if the meat/fish option is avoided. This recipe also requires a spiral sliver or spiralizer. The recipe is also best done in stages as opposed to adding all of the ingredients at once. Enjoy!


  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil or coconut oil
  • 2 zucchinis
  • approximately 625g of grape tomatoes halved – or more
  • 1/3 cup of basil (or Italian seasoning)
  • Optional: Shrimp
  • Optional: Feta cheese


  1. Heat the oil on low – medium heat.
  2. Add in the minced garlic and sauté until softened (approximately 5 min).
  3. If you are adding in shrimp, add it to the garlic mixture and cook for approximately 10 minutes on medium heat.
  4. Add in halved tomatoes and let cook for approximately 10 minutes (this also depends on the desired consistency of the sauce you prefer. For a “chunky” sauce, cook for less time.)
  5. Spiral cut the zucchini, and add it to the pan, cooking for approximately 10 minutes or until “noodles” are soft.
  6. Remove from pan and serve.
  7. For extra flavour, you can add feta cheese to the top if this works with your specific diet.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today! 



Forgiveness and Health

ForgivenessMental health is a huge area of concern and public interest in recent decades. In particular, there has been much research into the effect our attitudes can have on our health. Forgiveness is one of those attitudes that can greatly affect our health in the moment and later on in life. This does not only include forgiveness of others but also includes forgiveness of ourselves. I would challenge you to explore your own thoughts and see if there are any areas of your life where you notice patterns of un-forgiveness. I do recognize that this is not an easy or comfortable process, but I challenge you to consider it and if you feel led to act to remedy the un-forgiveness, then do so for the benefit of your health.

Signs of Un-forgiveness

These may be some useful questions to ask yourself when reflecting on a particularly harmful situation or event that has transpired against you. For more information on un-forgiveness please see the source below from which this questionnaire was retrieved.

  • When you think of that person, does your heart leap up with love and joy for him?
  • Do you desire to have fellowship with them or do you try to avoid them?
  • Do you have no blame or condemnation of them or for them?
  • Do you say or feel in your heart: “I forgive them, but I don’t have to like them”?
  • Do you still make up speeches of what you are going to say to them, or what you should have said to them?
  • Do you still think that they should hurt or should pay for what they have done to you?
  • Do you still think of ways to get even with them?
  • Do you sometimes think hard thoughts and have to repent, only to think those hard thoughts again and have to repent, over and over?
  • Do you have strong emotional reactions when you think of or see the person who hurt you?
  • Can you sincerely pray for this person and bless them, sincerely desiring to see them blessed?
  • Can you, and do you honestly rejoice when good things happen for the person who wounded you?


Health Benefits of Forgiveness

  • Decreased stress
  • Improved mood
  • Positive attitude
  • Improved conflict management
  • Improved sleep quality
  • Decreased heart rate
  • Decreased pain
  • Improved overall health
  • Improved life satisfaction

Practical Ways to Incorporate Forgiveness

It is important to understand that a lot of these exercises will not work if there is not a direct intention behind them. If these are done just for the sake of doing them, it is similar to not having done them at all. It is important to be mindful and have a direct intention to forgive and be well when practicing these exercises. In addition, a lot of these exercises are not easy and they can even hurt when you do them. Embrace the discomfort, but remember to work within what is safe for you. If it is not wise to confront someone about the hurt, for example, do not do so. I also encourage individuals that sometimes you have to “fake it until you make it”. What I mean by this is that in some cases you try to forgive someone, but deep down inside you know you can’t. It may then be helpful to start speaking that you forgive them until you feel you are ready to forgive. It may also be important to seek more help on this issue from a spiritual leader, counsellor, psychologist, etc.

  1. Forgive quickly. When someone wrongs you, as hard as it might be, attempt to forgive quickly. This will prevent any bitterness, anger, or negative thoughts from setting in.
  2. Confront the person who has done you wrong and express forgiveness. Please note that this may not be safe or wise in all situations.
  3. Write down “I forgive _______” on a piece of paper.
  4. Do something kind for the person who hurt you.
  5. Speak out loud “I forgive myself. I am not mistakes”, or “I forgive _____. They are not their mistakes.”
  6. Pray for help to forgive.
  7. Consider the perspective of the other individual and attempt to empathize with them. Literally getting up and switching to a different seat may be helpful.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.





Power Food: Apples

ApplesIn the western hemisphere there is an old saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Though this expression seems old, outdated, and simplistic; there is some truth to it. Apples have quite the diverse set of health benefits and health promoting properties that make it a mean power food!

Components of Apples

Surprisingly, one of the most beneficial components of an apple is its skin. The skin of the apple contains approximately 50% of the insoluble fiber and vitamin C content of an apple. In addition to containing vitamin C and insoluble fiber, apples also contain a healthy dose of antioxidants, quercetin (great for allergies and inflammation), pectin (helps prevent cholesterol from building in blood vessels), and B vitamins.

Therapeutic Potential

Based on the components listed above, apples may have some of the following health benefits (most of which have been researched and proven):

  • Reduced risk of lung cancer by 50% with regular apple consumption
  • Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease by 13-22%
  • Reduced risk of stroke
  • Reduced LDL (Bad) cholesterol by 23% in individuals who ate an apple every day for six months
  • Increased HDL (Good) cholesterol by 4% in individuals who ate an apple every day for six months
  • Reduced risk of asthma
  • Improved lung functioning
  • Reduced risk of type II diabetes
  • Reduced blood glucose levels
  • May inhibit cholera toxin (still being explored)
  • Increased potential to lose weight with consumption of three apples per day (this is due to the insoluble fiber mentioned earlier)

Storing and Processing

With many fruits and vegetables, storing them for any length of time decreases the nutritional impact that it can have. However, apples can be stored for 60 days with little to no impact on their nutritional quality. Research has shown that after 60 days of cold storage, apples had the same antioxidant potential as they did when compared to day 1. This trend is not consistent across different apple types though. For example, a red delicious apple will retain its nutritional quality far longer than a golden delicious apple.

The processing of apples and the impact on their nutritional benefits rests mainly in whether the peal is used. Ultimately, the apples will be more beneficial if the peal is intact. In addition, when the pulp of the apple is disposed of, for example in juicing, much of the potential health benefits are lost. When an apple is juiced, it has only 10% of the antioxidant potential of a whole apple that is eaten. Does this mean that juicing an apple is not good for you? Of course not. Adding an apple to your juice can add a nice flavour, it simply may not provide as much of a health benefit as you would think.

What about pesticides? 

Much like other fruits and vegetables, pesticides are commonly used on apples. Some would argue that this is to a greater extent on apples than other fruits. Ultimately, this does bring up concerns about eating them and how to best clean them. The best way to clean an apple is probably the simplest. All that is necessary is using water and rubbing the skin of the apple. Because there are only low levels of pesticide residue on the surface of the apples, this method of cleaning the apple keeps many beneficial properties of the apple intact while still removing majority of the pesticides from the surface. However, for those more sensitive to chemicals, a more thorough approach may be needed.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Elisha Cook via the contact portion of this website.
