New Service Offered: Lab Requisitioning

After several months of organizing and planning, I am pleased to announce that I am able to send patients for lab work. The question remains, what does this mean for you, how will this affect my care, and what is the cost?

What does this mean?

Traditionally, when a patient needs blood work done, they have to go through their medical doctor in order to get the testing. Getting blood work done this way can pose a problem for those that do not have a medical doctor, or individuals who may have to wait months before being able to see their medical doctor.

Now that I can order blood tests, you can get the exact blood work that would be requested for your particular case. That means: less of a wait time, and your concerns being addressed sooner!

Some other benefits from having access to potential blood work involves food sensitivity testing. Some patients would rather not go to the extreme of the elimination diet, and would rather do blood testing to see what foods they might be sensitive to. In which case, blood testing is an option and possibility through myself (contact me for more information if you are interested).

How will this affect patient care?

Overall, patient care will be affected to a lesser extent. However, with the opportunity of ordering blood work, I will be able to better see what is going on inside the body at a cellular or mechanistic level, to better help you reach your health goals. It would also offer the opportunity to know for certain what levels you stand at in regards to nutrients such as B12 and Iron, and know for certain if it is safe to supplement with them. In addition to what I have mentioned above, patients would have a choice as to whether to go through with an elimination diet or opt for food sensitivity testing instead.

What blood tests are available?

Many blood tests will be possible to be ordered, and too many to mention. However, some of the more prominent blood tests include:

  • Food Sensitivity Testing
  • Inflammatory markers: ESR, CRP
  • Rheumatoid/Autoimmune markers: ANA, RF
  • Cholesterol Panel
  • Thyroid Panel
  • Nutrient markers: B12, Iron, Ferritin, Vitamin D, Folic Acid

What is the cost?  

The cost for these services are dependent on the tests being ordered. With every test there is a lab fee $8. Beyond that, the tests vary in price. Though the blood work would not be covered by OHIP, you may be able to submit them for tax return purposes at the end of the year.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


7 Tips to Stress-Less through the Holidays

ornamentThe holidays can be a very happy time, but it can also be very stressful. Many times we have such high expectations for ourselves and others, and over book and stretch ourselves thin that we are left feeling not so great. It is my hope that these tips would come to mind in those stressful moments during the holidays and help you work through them.

  1. Pace Yourself

Many times we are rushing to get so many tasks done in a certain amount of time. If you are lucky, you get all of those tasks done, but find yourself feeling physically and mentally wore out. This can even lead to pain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, and ultimately stress. To avoid this, focus on one task at a time, take your time, and take breaks. I find it easier if I make a list of everything that has to get done (this may not work for everyone), and focus on the main things that need to get accomplished. I also consider what things I could realistically not do if it is going to compromise my own care.

  1. Focus on what you Can Control

Let’s face it, control is such a nice thing to have. When everything works out exactly how we want and everyone says exactly what we want them to, then we are calm, cool and collected. Life seldom works like this though. What I often work on with patients is the piece of control. It is a good thing that you do not have control over everything. You have enough things on your plate, you do not need to control more things. So, focus on the things you can control, and leave the rest and let it go. An example of focusing on something you can control is, if you are stressed out, do some deep breathing and focus on your breath. You can control your breath, you can control your actions, you can control your words, and you can control your thoughts. Please note that deep breathing is not for everyone and you should consult your health care provider to get instructions on how to perform it as it may aggravate certain situations.

  1. Don’t Over-commit

Part of the stress of holidays can come from promising to be at certain events and promising to make more than we can really afford time-wise. Make a plan as to where you need to go, space out travelling when possible, and opt for simpler things to bring for food. If you know you are going to have to travel multiple times in one day, opt for a food item you can purchase at the store, for example a veggie tray. Another option is to offer your time or a service if making something or bringing something is too much. It is also okay to say “No”. You are not saying “No” to the task, but you are saying “No” to wearing yourself too thin.

  1. Self – Care

Often during this season we justify that, “If I can just make it through Christmas, then I will start eating better and exercising again”. It is best to do the self – care as per usual and make sure to incorporate it as often as possible to prevent burn out or stress. Self-care also provides an opportunity to check in with yourself and make sure you are following the rest of the tips on this list.

  1. Make Realistic Expectations

This is not just for yourself, but for others as well. When we keep expectations to ourselves and expect people to hold up to that expectation, we can often set them up for failure and potentially cause an argument. With this being said, I do not mean you need to simply just tell everyone that you expect a 5 course meal that only Martha Steward would approve of. What is does mean is to be realistic and to acknowledge that we are all human and trying our best. This mind set is important when considering your own to-do list as well. You are human and trying your best. Set some more realistic expectations for yourself and check in, “Why am I stressing out? Is this a realistic expectation? Is it worth the stress?”.

  1. Budget

As soon as I mention budget, I know that some people are rolling their eyes or running for the hills. Budget does not just mean money, but also time. Again, be realistic with your time, and budget it accordingly. In addition, financial stress is one of the biggest stressors out there; so budget for the holidays, plan for it, save for it, and stick to your budget. Discuss financial decisions as a family, and do not make outrageous purchases without discussing with your spouse if that fits with both of your expectations and plans.

  1. Moderation

As always, moderation is important. Too much or too little of something may not be the best thing. Moderation can dive into the areas of meals, exercise, time, and even the amount of get-togethers. With meals in particular, make sure to portion yourself and not stray too much from your normal eating patterns. If you do, you may feel less than comfortable and this can even contribute to stress. When considering exercise, consider when we discussed self – care and making sure to incorporate that time for you. For time, again pace yourself, do not over-commit and say no when necessary.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


Boosting Your Immune System

Flu Fever. Sick Girl Sneezing In Tissue. HealthWith the change in season, many people can become susceptible to colds and flus. With that being said, there are many things people can do to help boost their immune systems.

Stress Management

Being under a lot of stress can cause our immune systems to be more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Stress can cause our bodies to be more focused on fueling ourselves with fight or flight response (ie responding to the stress) and less on protecting us from colds and flus, thus making us more susceptible. By managing stress before it wears our bodies down, we can keep bacteria and viruses at bay. Supplements or herbs that are called adaptogens may also be beneficial. Adaptogens help the body to modulate the fight or flight response and to recover from stress. To determine the right adaptogen for you or if they are necessary, consult a Naturopathic Doctor such as myself.

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are full or antioxidants and nutrients that help to build and boost the immune system. By assuring the immune system has the right nutrients, it can help to keep the body strong and healthy. Ideally, having 3 servings of fruit per day and having 5 or more vegetables per day is what is recommended. Some individuals may require higher amounts of certain nutrients to be able to effectively mount an immune response to certain bacteria and viruses, and so may require supplementation for specific nutrients. Determining which nutrients need to be supplemented for is best determined with the help of a health care professional.


Having teas, such as green tea, on a regular basis can help to boost the immune system due to their antioxidant profile and their immune boosting qualities. Adding a bit of honey to your tea can also help to fight off any bacteria that might attempting to invade.


Exercise can help to boost the immune system by increasing the speed at which white blood cells patrol the body and look for bacteria or viruses. Exercise can also be beneficial for the immune system by increasing the respiratory rate and thus increasing the chance that a lingering bacteria or virus will be cleared from the lungs.


Getting a proper sleep can help you to better manage not only emotions and stress but also your immune system. Not getting a good night’s sleep can cause our bodies to be less able to produce T cells – an important immune system cell – and thus make us more susceptible to colds and flus.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!