Do traditional home remedies actually work?

I am sure many of you have heard of some old remedies that you, your parents, or even your grandparents had used for common ailments. Many people wonder if these therapies are actually effective and frankly, if they even make sense. Consider this blog a “myth busters” type of blog where we explore some of these old remedies for common ailments.


Many people consider a cup of tea one of the key pillars on the road to recovery when it comes to colds and flus. When we look at the research, it is arguably true. Much of the research does not focus on one specific tea per se, but the big take away, is that tea contains many antioxidants and constituents that help the body in general. Specifically, tea can also help to ward off and fight colds and flus by decreasing inflammation, inhibiting growth of microbes, and increasing overall antioxidants in the body.


Another staple that individuals recommend with the cold or flu is a cup of soup, specifically mom/dad’s homemade chicken noodle. Looking at the research, chicken soup helps to reduce symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections through its anti-inflammatory effect on the body. Arguably, the sooner you start this in the sickness, the better to reduce the inflammatory cascade that happens with colds and flus.

Mustard Plaster

For some, mustard plasters have been used for upper respiratory conditions, and is considered an old remedy. For those who have been able to tolerate the heat and potential sensitivity to the skin, mustard plaster has been shown in the research to cause an improvement even seen in x-ray results, of the lungs for those with upper respiratory tract concerns. Further, mustard plasters have been shown to even increase the immune cells to combat infection.


Poultices involve the application of warmed herbs, bread, onion, or carrot to an infected or inflamed tissue. The research is a bit difficult to search through, as there are many different application types for poultices. Ultimately, the poultice has been shown to have a drawing effect, causing a reduction in pain and redness.

Seeing that some of these traditional tools and remedies have merit even in our modern world can be so encouraging and exciting. However, it is important to make sure that these tools and remedies are right for your specific situation. Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let us know what you think. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact our clinic by calling/texting 226-232-7665, and we would be happy to book your naturopathic appointment today! 


Coffee Lovers Guide to Healthier Coffee Habits

By. Dr. Elisha Cook ND

When it comes to coffee, some people are just down right passionate about it. Whether it is cold brew, hot brew, pre-ground or whole bean, there are some habits to consider to make this delectable beverage consumable in a healthier manner.

Habit 1: Always brew your coffee grounds through paper (i.e. filters).

            This may seem like an odd habit to adopt with coffee drinking, but, believe it or not, having your coffee grounds filtered through paper can make a large difference with the health effects of the drink. When coffee has been filtered through paper, it does not increase your LDL (bad) cholesterol, where as boiled coffee (such as through French press method) does increase LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B levels.

Habit 2: Increase your water intake to compensate for coffee.

            Coffee does not count towards your water intake. Many have been presented with the myth that coffee contributes to water intake, but what we have learned is that coffee can dehydrate. To balance out this effect, individuals should consider drinking 1 cup of water extra per 1 cup of coffee.

Habit 3: No coffee past 3:00pm.

            For some, coffee does not seem to have an influence on sleep patterns, but for many, caffeine can stay in your system quite some time, resulting in the potential to impair sleep. If you want to indulge in coffee, consider having it in the earlier hours in the day to allow adequate time for it to leave your system.

Habit 4: But first, water!

            It can be a force of habit to get up in the morning and go straight for coffee to get that energizing start, but we are missing a crucial first step: water. When we wake up in the morning, we have gone all night without water, and so, our body wakes up lacking. By starting with coffee, we end up putting our water start point even lower, potentially making it harder for our different systems and organs to function. By starting with water before your coffee, you might help your body to start on a better foot.

Habit 5: But first, food!

            I know what we just discussed above, but for those who do eat breakfast, it is important to make sure the fuel you get in your body is from food. By eating food first, we are better able to listen to the right amount our body needs to feel satiated. When individuals consume coffee before eating, it causes them to consume about 10 percent less at breakfast. This may sound like a good thing for some, but breakfast ultimately is the most influential meal of the day. If we do not get adequate amounts here, it can influence the rest of the day.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 

Resources/ References:,participants’%20perceptions%20of%20their%20appetites.

Sneaky Ways to Increase Vegetable Intake

By: Dr. Elisha Cook ND

Sneaking vegetables into the diet can be tricky for children and adults alike. For some, the texture of vegetables can be off-putting, and for others, frankly a flavour issue. Whatever your obstacle may be, there may be some surprising ways to increase your vegetable intake without altering the flavour of some of your classic dishes you have grown to love.

In this blog, we have provided not only a list of ways to increase your vegetable intake, but also some recipes to consider trying.

5 Sneaky Ways to Increase Vegetables:

  • Use them as a filler in ground meat recipes: whether it is zucchini, mushrooms, or onions, there are some great vegetables that you can finely chop or grate, and combine with ground meat for such meals as meat balls, meat loaf, or even hamburgers.
  • Apple sauce type pouches: Many stores carry convenient apple sauce pouches for grab on the go snacks. However, if you go to the baby section of your grocery store, you will see some pouches that have vegetables already incorporated. It may be a bit more costly, but if you need that convenience, it may be worth the investment. You can even consider making your own fruit and vegetable sauce and filling reusable pouches to fit your own flavour profile and reduce potential salt intake.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies are a classic and easy way to increase vegetable intake. You can consider using a greens powder to do this, or incorporate spinach into your smoothie. Generally, spinach does not alter the flavour of the smoothie, making it very easy to slip in unnoticed.
  • Oatmeal: A sneaky way to increase vegetable intake with oatmeal is to grate a carrot into it. This may seem strange, but think about it this way, do you enjoy carrot muffins? Likely, the oatmeal will remind you of that by adding in some pairings of apples, cinnamon, and maple syrup to your carrot and oatmeal combination.
  • Substituting vegetables for noodles: Whether it is spaghetti squash or zucchini noodles, you can consider using these as opposed to your classic wheat based noodles. Though it will not provide the same flavour, it will pack a nutritional punch!

Recipes to Increase Vegetable Intake:

Zucchini-Beef Burgers

These burgers are very moist and can be spiced up by adding cheese or other flavours that make your burger king of the grill.


2 lbs of ground beef or chicken

½ cup grated zucchini

½ cup finely chopped spinach

1 cup of finely chopped mushrooms

¼ cup finely chopped scallions (approximately 1 large one)

2 tsp of Worschestershire sauce

Optional: ½ tsp salt

Combine all ingredients in a bowl until thoroughly combined. Shape into hamburger patties whether by hand or using a press, shaping them to your desired size. Throw them on the barbeque and cook until cooked all of the way through. Serve your hamburger patty as per your preference.

Apple-Cucumber Sauce

This recipe is super easy and requires minimal ingredients and supplies.


6 cups of Apples cored, peeled and diced

2 cups of cucumbers pealed, seeds removed, and diced

¼ cup of water

Combine all ingredients in crockpot and cook on low for 6-8 hours, stirring half way through cooking. When the cooking time is done, mash well and serve as is.  If using in reusable pouches, place in a blender and blend until smooth consistency is reached.

This recipe is completely freezer safe. I generally fill 250ml jars and place in the freezer, pulling them as needed. If filling jars, make sure to leave ½ inch of space at the top to allow for expansion.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 

Thriving through Halloween

By Dr. Elisha Cook ND

Halloween can have many mixed emotions for families. There is the excitement of dressing up, imagination, and of course treats. However, there is also the anticipation of behaviour battles and having access to treats in the house. Different struggles can arise for different families, and it is important to keep in mind that your individual situation is different than someone else’s. As a result, you do not need to approach this time of year and holiday the same as other families.

The Candy

As mentioned above, different families will have different struggles during this season. For some, having a child with a food sensitivity can challenge you to wonder, “is this treat really worth them experiencing (insert your child’s symptom)”. For others, the sheer volume is overwhelming and may be too much for their child to be able to handle. Some individuals may not struggle at all in this area.  

For those who struggle with volume or particular treat items, consider a trade or a deal. Go about your festive activities as you normally would, sort through the candy to pull out items your child reacts to or would lack interest in, and offer them a deal. Consider suggesting to them, “If you give us this bag of candy, we will give you this new toy”. In our house, we have done this and our little one has been more than willing to make a trade. The prospect of a new toy is much more enticing than the sugar.

The Environment

Between flashing lights, heavy foot traffic, and spooky items, the various environments of Halloween can be overwhelming for some, including some neurodivergent individuals (individuals with different conditions or states that affect their brain functioning). Individuals who experience this can consider going to quieter neighbourhoods with less foot traffic or homes with fewer decorations. If this is difficult to anticipate or plan for, consider taking quiet breaks every couple of houses to regroup and ground before moving on.

An alternative is to change how you approach Halloween entirely. Attending a Halloween party put on by a local organization may offer a different way to celebrate, have some fun and get some treats. You can even consider holding your own Halloween party, and giving your child a bag of treats at the end (though this requires a bit more planning and potentially resources).

The Aftermath

The time after Halloween can hold the majority of the struggles that parents face. As mentioned above the types of candy and candy itself can pose problems for some. As parents, having access to these treats in the house can be a struggle as temptation has walked in the door, sat down, and offered you a bag of chips as part of your “parent tax”. In addition, if you are a home that participates in giving out treats to trick or treaters, you may be stuck with the left overs. Approaching these treats with moderation can be easy for some individuals, but for others, adopting certain mindsets may be warranted:  

Mindset #1: I do not NEED this treat.

Mindset #2: This belongs to (insert child’s name).

Mindset #3: My goal of (insert goal), is more important to me than this treat.

With the temptation, consider asking yourself these questions:

Question #1: Is this treat worth moving further from my goal?

Question #2: What could I be doing instead of eating this treat?

Question #3: Am I just thirsty?

Question #4: Have I adequately fueled my body prior to eating this treat?

If all else fails, consider if the treats need to leave the house. Do they need to be thrown out, given to an organization, given to a family who would love to have them, etc.? However you celebrate, I hope that the ideas presented might offer an opportunity to manage the highs and lows of the season with greater ease and victories.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think. Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today!