We are so excited to welcome another naturopathic doctor to our team, Dr. Derika Nauta ND! Some of you may remember Derika from her years of shadowing Dr. Cook, and frankly, after having her around for so long, we could not pass up the opportunity to expand our impact in naturopathic care and have this amazing human partner with us to do it. So what does this mean for you? More appointments available to get acupuncture, dietary recommendations, supplement advice, botanical remedies and more! So if you are tired of feeling tired, being controlled by your hormones, being in pain, or just not feeling like you are operating at your best, then book an appointment with Dr. Derika Nauta ND today by calling or texting 226-232-7665 or messaging us through the contact portion of this page.
For more information about Dr Derika Nauta ND or naturopathic care, see the naturopathic tab on our page by cliking the following link: https://www.plattsvilledoctor.ca/naturopathic/
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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today!