Fighting the Cold

Flu Fever. Sick Girl Sneezing In Tissue. HealthIt’s that time of year again. Time for increased Kleenex use, coughs, and colds. Though the common cold is minor in the grand scheme of conditions one can be affected by, it can be uncomfortable and frankly unwelcome. Here are some ideas on how you can arm your body to effectively fight the cold:

Wet Socks

“Wet socks” sound strange, but are a great way to help the body fight off the cold and to alleviate some of the symptoms of the cold. “Wet Socks” involve putting on a pair of socks that are run under cold water (and rung out), followed by putting on a pair of wool socks over top. It causes one’s circulation and lymphatics to get shocked into action, thus causing good nutrients to flow to the organs that need it, and eventually causing toxins to be released and disposed of. By morning, your socks will be dry, hence why some like to call “wet socks”, “magic socks” (which is a great way to convince children to try it). For instructions and rationale behind “wet socks” refer to my handouts page.

Castor Oil Rubs

Castor oil rubs are a great way to bring comfort to someone experiencing a cold, and bring down any inflammation. Castor oil can be applied to the chest, neck, and face, and heat can be applied by a hot water bottle to the chest over top to help bring some comfort during the cold.


Honey is a great addition to those warm teas that we tend to gravitate towards during colds. Honey has many properties in it that help fight infections and relieve coughing. You might be saying to yourself, I thought I was supposed to stay away from sugar during a cold? This is true, but honey’s cold fighting properties outweigh the negative impact that sugar tends to have on a cold. One concern that should be noted for parents is that honey should not be used in children under the age of 1.

Steam inhalation

Steam inhalations are a great way to relieve congestion, and can be a way to get beneficial nutrients and substances into the body in order to help with fighting off the cold. Steam inhalation can be as simple as having a warm shower. The heat from either a steam inhalation or a warm shower causes an opening of the airways, allowing ease in breathing. In addition, bacteria fighting herbs can be added to steam inhalations for added infection fighting capabilities! For instructions, rationale, and cautions on steam inhalation refer to my handouts page of my website.

Eat More Warming Foods and Spices

Not only do warming foods like soups and broths act as comfort food during a cold, but they are also helpful. Warming foods and spices can have the effect of keeping us comfortable, opening airways, and heating our bodies up so we can fight the cold.


Rest is one of the most important things we can do for our body. In order to heal, our bodies need rest, so energy can be focus its efforts on fighting off the cold. Some might even go on to argue that we have gotten sick because our body is telling us that we need rest and is thus forcing us to do so.

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.

Spring: The Season of Detox Part 2 – Six Ways to Detox Everyday

Head shower while running waterLast week I presented what a detox was. I received quite a bit of interest in detox’s, so I decided to give my viewers some easy ways to encourage the detoxification process in your own home. I would advise my readers to use caution, as the detoxification process can cause headaches along with other symptoms, do to the elimination of toxins. As always, please consult with your Health Care Provider before trying any of the following:

Lemon in hot water

Start your day off by having a hot glass of water with lemon in it. Not only is this good for making you feel full but it also helps stimulate the liver (the detox center) to “clean up” your system.

2.      Exercise

Among the many health benefits that exercise can provide, it can also provide a way to detoxify our bodies. Exercise does so by promoting sweat, which is one of the ways our body removes wastes and toxins from the body.

3.      Dry Skin Brushing

Dry skin brushing is a method of stimulating the skin through an external stimulus such as a brush or cloth. By brushing away the dead skin, it allows the skin to “breathe” easier, thereby detoxifying it. For more information on how to perform dry skin brushing (as well as cautions to be aware of), refer to my Handout page at

4.      Alternating Hot and Cold Shower

Alternating hot and cold showers are a simple addition to your morning or nightly routine. It simply involves alternating hot and cold water for therapeutic benefit (refer to my Handout page at to find detailed instructions). By alternating hot with cold, it shocks your immune and circulatory system into working. By doing this, it causes toxins to be removed from the body. Along with this benefit, it can also stimulate brain function, help with digestion, and increase metabolism.

5.      Eat more fruits and veggies

Fruits and vegetables have many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to health. Along with their nutritional value, they can also improve digestion. By improving “transit time” (i.e. helping you go to the washroom/defecate), they help your body to detox as going #2 is another way our body detoxifies.

6.      Castor Oil Packs to Abdomen

Finally, applying castor oil packs to the abdomen is a great way to encourage your body to detoxify. Though they can be messy, castor oil packs decrease inflammation and increase circulation, particularly in the liver is placed over it. This causes the liver to function properly and makes it better able to eliminate toxins. To learn more about how to perform a castor oil pack and the cautions associated with it, refer to my Handouts page at

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.