Top 5 Reasons to See a Naturopathic Doctor

In honour of naturopathic medicine week (which we celebrate in May), we wanted to share the top 5 reasons why you might want to consider seeing a naturopathic doctor. Here at Plattsville Natural Health Clinic, we have two naturopathic doctors that are well equipped to help you along your healing journey, whether it may be seeking their help for the below 5 reasons or other concerns!

Top 5 Reasons to See a Naturopathic Doctor

1.“I’m Tired”

      The fatigue you experience may not be just because you are busy. There can be many explanations for fatigue which could include how foods are paired in the diet, nutrient deficiencies, chronic illness, stress and other reasons. Naturopathic Doctors may be able to take a full history, order blood work, and determine the root cause of the fatigue you may experience.

      2. “I’m Stressed/ Depressed/ Anxious”

      Whether it is stress, low mood, or nervousness; a naturopathic doctor is equipped with many tools to help you through these struggles. The way we eat, move our bodies and respond to our environments can most certainly impact our mental health, but there may be something more behind how you are feeling. Could there be nutrients, hormones, or other factors influencing where your mind is at? Let a Naturopathic Doctor help you determine that.

      3. “I’m in Pain”

      From chronic migraines, to back pain and beyond, there are many different pain experiences, influential factors, and modalities to aid them. Naturopathic Doctors are able to use modalities including acupuncture, cold laser therapy, cupping, and body work to help alleviate pain. In addition, naturopathic doctors look at the whole system in order to address inflammation and some other potential root causes to pain.

      4. “My Digestion is Off”

      “Digestive” concerns can mean so many things. If it is too slow or too fast, this can cause concerns for individuals. There are so many symptoms that can be uncomfortable for individuals including bloating, gas, abdominal pain, cramping, constipation, diarrhea, burping, regurgitation, acid reflux, GERD, and more. Naturopathic Doctors are able to look at diet, lifestyle, blood work, and your health history to formulate a plan of action to address these concerns.

      5. “My Hormones are Ruining my Life”

      Whatever stage of life you are in, hormones can be so impactful. Whether your goal is trying to have a family (i.e. get pregnant), weather the storms of menopause, have a normal period, or get the muscular gains from your workouts; Naturopathic Doctors are able to assess your hormonal health and determine the right plan for your individual situation. From supplements, to diet and beyond, Naturopathic Doctors have many ways of approaching your individual case in order to help find a solution.

      For more information about our naturopathic doctors or naturopathic medicine, please see the naturopathic tab on our website, or contact us today to allow us to answer any questions or concerns you might have.

      Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

      Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 

      What is Hydrotherapy?

      What is Hydrotherapy?Head shower while running water

      Water can be a very powerful tool for healing that is often underestimated. As Naturopathic Doctors, we use water therapy, called hydrotherapy, which involves applying different methods of water to the body to promote healing. This might involve alternating hot and cold water applications to an area, or even using a sauna to nourish our bodies. Hydrotherapy has an added benefit of being inexpensive, because most of the time it is just a matter of applying water to an area. Though it is just water, some of the treatments may not be good for certain patient populations based on its effect and pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, it is best to consult with your Naturopathic Doctor before trying any hydrotherapy treatments on your own.

      What does it cause in the body?

      Overall, various hydrotherapy treatments can be used to cause the following effects in the body:

      • Reduce pain
      • Increase circulation
      • Promote detoxification
      • Promote healing of organs/tissues
      • Stimulate brain function
      • Relieve fatigue
      • Boost Immune system functioning
      • Promote digestion
      • Increase metabolism
      • Relieve congestion
      • Relieve coughs
      • Promotes relaxation

      What are the different conditions it can help with?

      Hydrotherapy can be used to help many different conditions including:

      • Digestive concerns such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, fatty liver, colic, tenesmus, etc.
      • Menstrual concerns such as irregular cycles, premenstrual tension, cramping (dysmenorrhea), etc.
      • Musculoskeletal concerns such as joint pain, muscle pain, muscle tears, ligament instability, etc.
      • Respiratory concerns such as the effects of allergies, congestion, coughs, frequent colds and flues, compromised immune systems etc.
      • Many other concerns such as weight loss goals, fatigue, detoxification and improving overall health.

      For more information on hydrotherapy or the services I provide, consider calling the clinic at 519-537-7058, or message me via the contact portion of this website.

      Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

      Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


      Botanical Medicine: What is it and How can it Help

      Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden backgroundBotanical Medicine has been used for thousands of years in so many different forms. Many people think that this is a primitive form of medicine, when in fact it can be quite comparable to some pharmaceutical drugs in some cases. This article looks at what botanical medicine is, how it can be used, and what for.

      What is Botanical Medicine?

      Botanical medicine involves the use of plants or herbs to achieve therapeutic outcomes. Specific plants or herbs are chosen based off of their medicinal effects in order to aid the individual in question. Botanicals can have multiple effects on multiple organ systems making them quite effective in the sense that they may be able to help with more than one problem. For example, Chamomile can be quite calming on the stomach and promote digestion, but can also be calming on the nervous system, making it potentially beneficial for indigestion and anxiety.

      In addition, when more than one herb is combined to achieve a therapeutic goal, they can often have a synergistic effect. What this means is they both possess potent capabilities on their own, but when combined, the effect far exceeds that of them simply being added together. For example, if herb A is 2 and herb b is 2, when added together, you would assume that it would be 4, but it is actually more like 10!

      How is Botanical Medicine used?

      As alluded to above, herbs can be used on their own or in combination, and can be used in several different forms. They can be made into tinctures, teas, poultices, and salves. Tinctures are alcohol extractions of herbs, often containing a higher dose of herbs in small quantities. Teas are dried herbs that have medicinal properties extracted through hot water. Poultices involve applying herbs topically (externally to the skin). Salves are a combination of herbs in various forms with an ointment.

      No form of herbs is necessarily right, but really depends on the patient’s particular case. For example, a poultice may be more appropriate for skin issues than a tincture.

      What can botanical medicine be used for?

      Botanical Medicine can be used for a variety of concerns. In my practice, I primarily use teas and poultices. I find that both of these forms can be beneficial in quite a few concerns including those listed below.

      • Adrenal Fatigue
      • Allergies
      • Anxiety
      • Arthritis
      • Burn out
      • Colds and flus
      • Constipation
      • Coughs
      • Depression
      • Detoxification
      • Diarrhea
      • Diabetes
      • Digestive Concerns
      • Eczema
      • Fatigue
      • Fertility
      • Fevers
      • Fungal Infections
      • Headaches
      • Heartburn/GERD
      • Hemorrhoids
      • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
      • IBS
      • Infections
      • Insomnia
      • Menstrual issues
      • Migraines
      • Pain
      • Psoriasis
      • Stress
      • Weight loss

      If you would like a custom tea made specific for you and your health concerns, please contact myself, Dr. Elisha Cook ND via the contact portion of my page and book your appointment today!

      Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

      Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


      Health Benefits of Chamomile

      chamomileChamomile (Matricaria recutita) is a very commonly consumed herb in today’s society, typically in tea form. What many people do not realize is this tea can be consumed for more than just socialization aspects, but also for its medicinal effects.

      Medicinal Effects:

      • Anti-oxidant
      • Anti-microbial
      • Anti-inflammatory
      • Anti-diarrheal
      • Anti-carcinogen
      • Hepatoprotective
      • Anti-diabetic
      • Anxiolytic
      • Anti-spasmodic
      • Anti-emetic
      • Sedative
      • Carminative

      Conditions Aided by this Tea

      • Anxiety
      • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
      • Depression
      • Constipation
      • Diarrhea
      • Dyspepsia
      • Indigestion
      • Insomnia


      Much research has been done in the area of chamomile for mental health. In particular, chamomile has been shown to be effective for generalized anxiety disorder – in particular when it is in mild or moderate states. In research, not only has chamomile tea been shown to aid with anxiety but also with anxiety combined with depression! Depression scores were rated far lower when individuals took chamomile when compared to placebo.

      In addition to the research into its effects on mental health, much research has been sought into for the effects of chamomile on digestion. Chamomile has been shown to improve the duration of diarrhea (i.e. less time having diarrhea by 5 hours!), and was shown to improve colic. The anti-inflammatory nature of chamomile has also been shown to be beneficial in ulcers of the digestive tract and inflammation in the gut overall.

      Finally, much research extends into chamomile being used topically (as a lotion, essential oil, or balm) for such conditions as osteoarthritis, mucositis induced by chemotherapy, and ulcers. It has been shown to be useful in decreasing inflammation in the area and improving wound healing.


      Overall, one can argue that chamomile is more than just another tea, but rather has some potent health effects. I would encourage you to consult your health care provider to verify if regular chamomile consumption is right for you.

      Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

      Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!
