August 2018 Newsletter

Happy August Everyone!

Make sure you get out and enjoy that summer sun and warm weather, but do not forget to take your copy of our newsletter to read. In this issue you will find:

  • Recipe: Gluten – free and dairy – free Granola
  • Article: How does acupuncture work?
  • Clinic Events: Dates for upcoming acupuncture clinics
  • A Personal Message from Dr. Elisha Cook ND: Vulnerability and Authenticity.

Please find the newsletter in the following link.

August 2018 PNHC Newsletter

Please give us your feedback on our newsletter! We look forward to hearing from you.

Plattsville Natural Health Clinic Now Open and Accepting Patients!

Plattsville Natural Health Clinic is now booking appointments and open!

28575823_204940463590906_1464468058673915589_nWe are excited to announce that we are now booking appointments for Plattsville Natural Health Clinic! Our clinic will officially be open March 12, 2018 and we will be having a celebratory Grand Opening in the near future (we will keep everyone posted on details). For now, we are eager to serve the Plattsville and surrounding area! You may choose to book your full consult right away or consider booking a free 15 minute consult where you can learn about Naturopathic medicine and see if this medicine is right for you. Bring in your questions and concerns, and meet with a Naturopathic Doctor one-on-one. There is no obligation to book after, so what have you got to lose?


Provided below are the clinic fees which are the same as what is being offered to our Meyers Chiropractic patients through Dr. Elisha Cook ND.

Service Time Cost
Meet-and-greet session 15 minutes Free/Complimentary
Initial Visit 60-90 minutes $125
Follow Up Visit (long) 30-60 minutes $80
Follow Up Visit (quick check up) 20 minutes $43
Acupuncture/Cupping Only 30 minutes $48

These fees do not include additional functional or laboratory testing such as food sensitivity testing etc.

Services Offered:

For a detailed list of the services offered and conditions treated please visit the other tabs of this website. We offer a variety of services under the scope of naturopathic medicine that help one deal with the root cause of their health ailments.


Our hours are permanently listed on the contact portion of this page, but are also provided below for your convenience:

Monday                       9:00am – 8:00pm

Wednesday                  9:00am – 8:00pm

Friday:                          2:00pm – 6:00pm

Every other Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm

For more information:

If you know anyone in the Plattsville, Ayr, Drumbo, Tavistock, and surrounding area that could benefit from our services, please do not hesitate to send them our information!

If you have any questions, would like to book an appointment, or simply want to learn more you can do so through one of the following options:

Text or Call our Clinic: 226-232-7665

Email us:

Find us on Facebook @ Plattsville Natural Health Clinic

Contact us through the contact portion of this website.

Please also note that Dr. Elisha Cook ND is still practicing in Woodstock at Meyers Chiropractic and Health Specialists at the following hours:


Tuesday                            8:00am – 8:00pm

Thursday                          12:30pm – 6:30pm

Friday:                             8:00am – 12:00pm

Every other Saturday   8:00am – 12:00pm

For more information on her Woodstock practice, please see the contact portion of this website.

Exciting News!

I am sure most of you have been wondering why I have been so quiet lately. I apologize for not posting a blog more regularly, but I do have some exciting news to end this drought.

The News!!

As of March/April 2018 I will be extending my practice to include the Plattsville Ontario area! The extension in my practice will involve the grand opening of my clinic, Plattsville Natural Health Clinic. The plans for this new clinic have been ongoing since July 2017, and will finally be a reality. As some of you know, I lived in Plattsville when I was quite young, and so, it holds a special place in my heart. An opportunity came up for me to start a clinic in the community, and I took it! How awesome would it be to provide naturopathic care to a rural area! It is my hope that I will be able to extend my reach and help more and more people by making this addition to my practice! We are not yet booking patients, but we are fast approaching an opening date! I am so thankful for everyone who has helped make this possible. This clinic would not have been possible without the love and support of my parents, sister, husband, friends and family. Thank you to everyone who has offered a kind word or a helping hand.

Coming Soon plattsvilee

What does this mean for my practice in Woodstock?

Nothing will change with my practice at Meyers Chiropractic and Health Specialists, and you can expect to see me there the same number of hours/days that I have been, but I will be using the “days off” to focus my attention to this new clinic that we are starting! With the support of the Meyers team, I am happy to be able to provide the same care I do at Woodstock to the Plattsville and surrounding area (Ayr, Drumbo, Tavistock, New Dundee, etc.).


If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me personally. Otherwise, please keep up-to-date on this new and exciting adventure (I have posted some snap shots of what the transformation process and journey has involved) by going to Plattsville Natural Health Clinic on facebook.

Dairy Alternatives for going Dairy-Free

One of the most challenging foods to give up for various health reasons is dairy. It is delicious and there is really nothing that can compare to a good piece of cheese or glass of milk. However, as I mentioned, for various health reasons, throwing away the cheese may be more beneficial than some realize. For those who have to endure a diet without dairy, I have provided a list of items that may provide comparable substitutes. This chart is not comprehensive, but it does provide some good insight into options available to explore and try, based on my current knowledge of the industry.

Item to Give Up/ Avoid Substitution
Cow’s Milk Most of these options are fortified with at least calcium, and may prove to be just as tasty:

·         Almond Milk

·         Cashew Milk

·         Coconut Milk

·         Soy Milk

·         Rice Milk

·         Hemp Milk

Butter/Margarine The below options are ideal in different situations:

·         Olive Oil – when making a substitution in baked goods or other recipes

·         Avocado – when trying to “butter” a piece of bread or

Cow’s Milk Yogurt Some alternative dairy product companies such as “Silk” have options available that are dairy-free and taste similar to Greek yogurt:

·         Coconut Yogurt

·         Almond Yogurt

In addition, many different online recipes exist for making your own yogurt with items such as almonds!

Cow’s Milk Cheese Cheese is very difficult to replace and substitute for. Unfortunately I have not found a substitute that is as tasty or comparable. Some alternative dairy product companies have options available that are dairy – free that may be worth considering:

·         Cashew Cheese

·         Daiya Cheese

Creamer There are some brands of creamer available that are dairy – free that may work for those who are looking for a comparable addition to their coffee. I often tell patients to try to go for coconut milk as it tends to be thicker than other alternative milks.

·         Silk Brand coffee whitener

·         Coconut milk

·         Almond milk

·         Other alternative milks

Another option is to make a bullet proof coffee by blending coffee with coconut oil – this not only whitens the coffee, but also provides a smooth and creamy taste. For a great recipe, see one of my past blogs:


Sauces For making soups, pasta sauces, etc., I will use canned coconut milk, and add in extra garlic or onions to increase the flavour. Canned coconut milk can be used as it, or can have the separated liquid removed from the top to make the sauce thicker. Try it out, you may be surprised as to how good it tastes!
Salad Dressing For substitutes to some milk – based salad dressings, you can choose to make your own home-made versions with the canned coconut milk. Another option is to go with an oil – based salad dressing that is void of dairy. If you are buying a salad dressing from the store, I would caution you to read all of the labels. You may be surprised at how many salad dressings actually contain milk.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!