Thriving through Halloween

By Dr. Elisha Cook ND

Halloween can have many mixed emotions for families. There is the excitement of dressing up, imagination, and of course treats. However, there is also the anticipation of behaviour battles and having access to treats in the house. Different struggles can arise for different families, and it is important to keep in mind that your individual situation is different than someone else’s. As a result, you do not need to approach this time of year and holiday the same as other families.

The Candy

As mentioned above, different families will have different struggles during this season. For some, having a child with a food sensitivity can challenge you to wonder, “is this treat really worth them experiencing (insert your child’s symptom)”. For others, the sheer volume is overwhelming and may be too much for their child to be able to handle. Some individuals may not struggle at all in this area.  

For those who struggle with volume or particular treat items, consider a trade or a deal. Go about your festive activities as you normally would, sort through the candy to pull out items your child reacts to or would lack interest in, and offer them a deal. Consider suggesting to them, “If you give us this bag of candy, we will give you this new toy”. In our house, we have done this and our little one has been more than willing to make a trade. The prospect of a new toy is much more enticing than the sugar.

The Environment

Between flashing lights, heavy foot traffic, and spooky items, the various environments of Halloween can be overwhelming for some, including some neurodivergent individuals (individuals with different conditions or states that affect their brain functioning). Individuals who experience this can consider going to quieter neighbourhoods with less foot traffic or homes with fewer decorations. If this is difficult to anticipate or plan for, consider taking quiet breaks every couple of houses to regroup and ground before moving on.

An alternative is to change how you approach Halloween entirely. Attending a Halloween party put on by a local organization may offer a different way to celebrate, have some fun and get some treats. You can even consider holding your own Halloween party, and giving your child a bag of treats at the end (though this requires a bit more planning and potentially resources).

The Aftermath

The time after Halloween can hold the majority of the struggles that parents face. As mentioned above the types of candy and candy itself can pose problems for some. As parents, having access to these treats in the house can be a struggle as temptation has walked in the door, sat down, and offered you a bag of chips as part of your “parent tax”. In addition, if you are a home that participates in giving out treats to trick or treaters, you may be stuck with the left overs. Approaching these treats with moderation can be easy for some individuals, but for others, adopting certain mindsets may be warranted:  

Mindset #1: I do not NEED this treat.

Mindset #2: This belongs to (insert child’s name).

Mindset #3: My goal of (insert goal), is more important to me than this treat.

With the temptation, consider asking yourself these questions:

Question #1: Is this treat worth moving further from my goal?

Question #2: What could I be doing instead of eating this treat?

Question #3: Am I just thirsty?

Question #4: Have I adequately fueled my body prior to eating this treat?

If all else fails, consider if the treats need to leave the house. Do they need to be thrown out, given to an organization, given to a family who would love to have them, etc.? However you celebrate, I hope that the ideas presented might offer an opportunity to manage the highs and lows of the season with greater ease and victories.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think. Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 

Steps to Reduce Dementia Risk

Written by: Dr. Elisha Cook ND

Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease can be impactful for those who suffer from it, and their care providers. Dementia is classified as a decline in cognitive functions such as memory and complex thinking. As we age, our risk can increase, but there are many activities and lifestyle factors that can help decrease the likelihood of being personally affected by this condition. We hope that this article will bring to light these factors and help you and your loved ones reduce your risk. 


Exercise can be beneficial for many pathways and systems in our body. Walking daily can help to reduce the risk of dementia by 25%. Specifically, achieving a minimum of 3800 steps per day helps to reduce this risk, with risk reduction increasing with the more steps that were achieved (the maximum benefit was received at 9800 steps). 

Diet High in Fruits and Vegetables 

According to the research, consuming a diet high in “flavonoids” helps to reduce the risk of dementia. Fruits and vegetables with yellow or orange colour tended to have the greatest impact on reducing risk, but in general, consuming a rainbow of colour when it comes to fruits and vegetables aids in overall health. With fruits specifically, aiming to consume “lower sugar” fruits such as apples, pears, blackberries, blueberries and raspberries may aid more than just your mental health as well.  

Challenge your Mind 

Regularly engaging in activities that challenge the mind can reduce dementia risk by as much as 11%. By engaging in literacy tasks, higher learning, logical reasoning tasks, critical thinking tasks, and social engagement, it increases neurons and improves brain activity. Activities that stimulate the brain in such a way include: 

  • puzzles 
  • reading 
  • writing 
  • playing cards 
  • computer tasks
  • taking courses 
  • scrabble 
  • word searches 
  • crosswords
  • playing an instrument 

Incorporating more of the above tasks may not eliminate the onset of one of these conditions, but risk reduction is always a step in the right direction. 

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in trying any of our services, working with any of our amazing practitioners, or are simply wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 


What is Hydrotherapy?

What is Hydrotherapy?Head shower while running water

Water can be a very powerful tool for healing that is often underestimated. As Naturopathic Doctors, we use water therapy, called hydrotherapy, which involves applying different methods of water to the body to promote healing. This might involve alternating hot and cold water applications to an area, or even using a sauna to nourish our bodies. Hydrotherapy has an added benefit of being inexpensive, because most of the time it is just a matter of applying water to an area. Though it is just water, some of the treatments may not be good for certain patient populations based on its effect and pre-existing medical conditions. Therefore, it is best to consult with your Naturopathic Doctor before trying any hydrotherapy treatments on your own.

What does it cause in the body?

Overall, various hydrotherapy treatments can be used to cause the following effects in the body:

  • Reduce pain
  • Increase circulation
  • Promote detoxification
  • Promote healing of organs/tissues
  • Stimulate brain function
  • Relieve fatigue
  • Boost Immune system functioning
  • Promote digestion
  • Increase metabolism
  • Relieve congestion
  • Relieve coughs
  • Promotes relaxation

What are the different conditions it can help with?

Hydrotherapy can be used to help many different conditions including:

  • Digestive concerns such as constipation, diarrhea, indigestion, fatty liver, colic, tenesmus, etc.
  • Menstrual concerns such as irregular cycles, premenstrual tension, cramping (dysmenorrhea), etc.
  • Musculoskeletal concerns such as joint pain, muscle pain, muscle tears, ligament instability, etc.
  • Respiratory concerns such as the effects of allergies, congestion, coughs, frequent colds and flues, compromised immune systems etc.
  • Many other concerns such as weight loss goals, fatigue, detoxification and improving overall health.

For more information on hydrotherapy or the services I provide, consider calling the clinic at 519-537-7058, or message me via the contact portion of this website.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


What happens when you start to put yourself first

Autumn Girl enjoying nature on the field. Beauty Girl Outdoors rAt first glance, this blog title may seem suspiciously self – serving or selfish in nature, but let me give some context. I work with many individuals who are stressed out, burnt out, and are needing much care. The trend is not represented by one small act of not putting your health as a priority, but rather over the course of time it may be from putting your family first, your job first, or others needs before your own. From this article, I want you to explore your own life and consider: have I been putting my health and needs last? Finally, I want you to then consider what might happen if you start to consider yourself of value enough to put higher on your list of priorities. This article is not meant to condemn, to ridicule, or make individuals feel like they have not been taking care of their health, but is meant to inspire you to consider your own needs and do some more loving things for yourself.

I was that person

I would like to start out this article by admitting my own weaknesses: I was that person. I was that person that would make my husband a healthy lunch and neglect to make one for myself i.e. I would not eat at all. I was that person that put my career before my own personal mental and physical health. I would often go all day without eating and tell myself that “I do not have time to eat”. I would put off exercising thinking that my business needs needed to come first. I often put more efforts behind charity work than actually caring for myself and asking myself what my body needed for nourishment. To be honest, I did not think I deserved that type of care, and took my “health” and body for granted. As a result, I felt weak, emotional, burnt out, stressed out, tired, and depressed. My husband and I decided to make some drastic health changes – eat a whole foods diet and exercise daily. With these changes I made a comment to him that it was important I make his lunch and justified taking care of myself because it would help to take care of him. He then asked me, “Why don’t you do it for you”? For some reason, the question hit me differently this time and I decided to exercise for me. To eat for me. To take care of me, for me.

Why is it important to put your health as a priority?

There is an old saying “you cannot pour from an empty cup”. In short, you cannot take care of others if you have not been cared for or nourished yourself. You need to put your health as a priority to prevent burn out, but also to help you to better serve others.

Often, the excuse I hear is “I do not have time to take care of myself”. If you do not take the time for yourself now, it is possible that this time will be robbed from you in the future via doctor’s appointments, treatments, etc. due to poor health. By taking care of yourself now it does not necessarily prevent all illness, but it can help lessen the likelihood of becoming sick.  The other question I want you to ask yourself is, if you do not take care of yourself, who will? You are in charge of your health and no one can exercise for you or necessarily eat the right things for you. With this being said, some individuals need guidance as to how to best incorporate healthy changes into their lifestyle, and as such, it is important to seek help, but again at the end of the day, you are the only one that can follow through with the recommendations. (If you are needing help in this area please contact me).

What happens when you start to put your health first?

When you start to put your own health as a priority, you will start feeling better! It does not sound like this is an award-winning answer, but it is the right one. It may not be right away, but it will happen. When you start valuing yourself enough to eat, to eat well, to exercise, and to nourish yourself; your life will begin to change for the better. You will have the energy you need to help your family, to deal with your work load, and to take care of yourself. You may even begin to notice that you can handle stress better, thoughts are clearer, and your mood is more balanced. For others, you may expect to see better health outcomes that pertain to your particular case. Overall, you may even feel more motivated to achieve your goals.

Are you ready to make your health a priority?

If you are ready to take the plunge and take your health into your own hands, seek help. Contact myself or another health care professional today. Not tomorrow. Today. Find them on facebook or the internet and message them. Find their phone number and call. Results lie beyond the fence of excuses.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!