Botanical Medicine: What is it and How can it Help

Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden backgroundBotanical Medicine has been used for thousands of years in so many different forms. Many people think that this is a primitive form of medicine, when in fact it can be quite comparable to some pharmaceutical drugs in some cases. This article looks at what botanical medicine is, how it can be used, and what for.

What is Botanical Medicine?

Botanical medicine involves the use of plants or herbs to achieve therapeutic outcomes. Specific plants or herbs are chosen based off of their medicinal effects in order to aid the individual in question. Botanicals can have multiple effects on multiple organ systems making them quite effective in the sense that they may be able to help with more than one problem. For example, Chamomile can be quite calming on the stomach and promote digestion, but can also be calming on the nervous system, making it potentially beneficial for indigestion and anxiety.

In addition, when more than one herb is combined to achieve a therapeutic goal, they can often have a synergistic effect. What this means is they both possess potent capabilities on their own, but when combined, the effect far exceeds that of them simply being added together. For example, if herb A is 2 and herb b is 2, when added together, you would assume that it would be 4, but it is actually more like 10!

How is Botanical Medicine used?

As alluded to above, herbs can be used on their own or in combination, and can be used in several different forms. They can be made into tinctures, teas, poultices, and salves. Tinctures are alcohol extractions of herbs, often containing a higher dose of herbs in small quantities. Teas are dried herbs that have medicinal properties extracted through hot water. Poultices involve applying herbs topically (externally to the skin). Salves are a combination of herbs in various forms with an ointment.

No form of herbs is necessarily right, but really depends on the patient’s particular case. For example, a poultice may be more appropriate for skin issues than a tincture.

What can botanical medicine be used for?

Botanical Medicine can be used for a variety of concerns. In my practice, I primarily use teas and poultices. I find that both of these forms can be beneficial in quite a few concerns including those listed below.

  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety
  • Arthritis
  • Burn out
  • Colds and flus
  • Constipation
  • Coughs
  • Depression
  • Detoxification
  • Diarrhea
  • Diabetes
  • Digestive Concerns
  • Eczema
  • Fatigue
  • Fertility
  • Fevers
  • Fungal Infections
  • Headaches
  • Heartburn/GERD
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • IBS
  • Infections
  • Insomnia
  • Menstrual issues
  • Migraines
  • Pain
  • Psoriasis
  • Stress
  • Weight loss

If you would like a custom tea made specific for you and your health concerns, please contact myself, Dr. Elisha Cook ND via the contact portion of my page and book your appointment today!

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


Health Benefits of Chamomile

chamomileChamomile (Matricaria recutita) is a very commonly consumed herb in today’s society, typically in tea form. What many people do not realize is this tea can be consumed for more than just socialization aspects, but also for its medicinal effects.

Medicinal Effects:

  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-microbial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-diarrheal
  • Anti-carcinogen
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Anxiolytic
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Anti-emetic
  • Sedative
  • Carminative

Conditions Aided by this Tea

  • Anxiety
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Dyspepsia
  • Indigestion
  • Insomnia


Much research has been done in the area of chamomile for mental health. In particular, chamomile has been shown to be effective for generalized anxiety disorder – in particular when it is in mild or moderate states. In research, not only has chamomile tea been shown to aid with anxiety but also with anxiety combined with depression! Depression scores were rated far lower when individuals took chamomile when compared to placebo.

In addition to the research into its effects on mental health, much research has been sought into for the effects of chamomile on digestion. Chamomile has been shown to improve the duration of diarrhea (i.e. less time having diarrhea by 5 hours!), and was shown to improve colic. The anti-inflammatory nature of chamomile has also been shown to be beneficial in ulcers of the digestive tract and inflammation in the gut overall.

Finally, much research extends into chamomile being used topically (as a lotion, essential oil, or balm) for such conditions as osteoarthritis, mucositis induced by chemotherapy, and ulcers. It has been shown to be useful in decreasing inflammation in the area and improving wound healing.


Overall, one can argue that chamomile is more than just another tea, but rather has some potent health effects. I would encourage you to consult your health care provider to verify if regular chamomile consumption is right for you.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!



How to Make a Cold Brew Tea or Iced Tea

Transparent cup of green tea with lime on wooden backgroundCold Brew or Iced tea is made through steeping tea in cold water over several hours. Brewing tea in this way draws the flavours out more slowly and can alter the taste of the tea. In addition to this method, I will also brew a cup of tea as per normal, i.e. boil water and steep a tea bag, and let the concoction chill. I find that this way of brewing the tea extracts the essential oils which can be beneficial for health. Regardless of what method is used, ingredients and instructions are listed below, as well as a recipe for an iced tea. Teas that tend to work well with either way of making a cold tea include peppermint, hibiscus, lavender, lemon balm, and green tea.


  • 1-2 tea bags of the herb of your choice
  • 8-16 ounces of water
  • Optional: Honey, lemon slice, or mint leaves


Cold Brewed Tea

  • Place the tea bag(s) in a pitcher of water, cover, and let steep in the fridge for 6-8 hours.
  • When tea is done steeping, strain any sediment from tea using a cheese cloth.
  • Serve tea over ice and add either honey, lemon slice, or mint leaves to taste.

Iced Tea

  • Boil water and let sit for 5 minutes.
  • Pour into pitcher with tea bags and let steep on counter until at room temperature – approximately 30 minutes.
  • Place in fridge and let steep for another 6 hours.
  • When tea is done steeping, strain any sediment from tea using a cheese cloth.
  • Serve tea over ice and add honey to taste, or other possible ingredients (i.e. mint, lemon).

Lemon-Balm/Lavender Iced Tea Recipe

  • Take one lemon balm tea bag and one lavender tea bag and place them in a pitcher of water.
  • Let steep for 6-8 hours covered in fridge.
  • Remove any sediment through straining through a cheese cloth once steeping is complete.
  • Serve over ice and add 2 tbsp of honey to taste.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Source: Celebration Herbals

Super Spices: Thyme

ThymeThyme, also known as Thymus vulgaris, is a spice that is commonly used for culinary purposes. Considered more of a “Mediterranean” herb, this spice can be beneficial for more than just your cooking purposes.


When used in cooking, this herb can actually increase the “life expectancy” of your left overs because of its potent effect at fighting off bacteria. This herb is able to fight off infections through its ability to kill bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungus. For this reason, thyme can be beneficial for colds, coughs, bronchitis, and even bad breath. In addition, thyme can be quite beneficial for digestive health. This herb can increase the amount of acid in the stomach – which may aggravate some forms of GERD or acid reflux, but can also help with some forms of GERD or acid reflux. This can result in thyme’s benefit towards gas, bloating, colic, and IBS. Thyme should be used in moderation in pregnancy due to some sources suggesting that it can a “mild uterine stimulant”. However, in normal amounts found in foods, thyme consumption is considered relatively safe in pregnancy.


From these many different potential uses for time, it may be obvious what the actions of this spice are, but it includes:

Expectorant – helps you to cough up phlegm. I like to remind patients that sometimes this herb makes things worse before it makes things better because it can trigger a cough

Anti – tussive – helps to alleviate coughing

Anti – spasmodic – helps to decrease muscle spasms

Anti – microbial – helps to fight off infections

Carminative – aids with digesting and breaking down food

Anti – inflammatory – fights off inflammation

Anti – oxidant – defends against oxidative damage

Why Dr. Elisha Cook ND might prescribe Thymus vulgaris as a tea

I tend to prescribe this herb to individuals who have a cough or are fighting a respiratory infection. As per usual, I do like to prescribe teas for their therapeutic value as a tea and their medicinal value. I do not recommend consuming thyme as a tea outside the structured guidance of a naturopathic doctor or health care provider. Please seek medical advice before consuming Thyme.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!