Successful Goals – Starting 2025 Out Right

This year could be totally different for you. With New Year’s resolutions, ambitious goals, and dreams for 2025, we can sometimes set ourselves up for failure if we haven’t planned intentionally. Many have heard about making SMART goals, which is a great principle to follow, but there may be more to it. With this blog, we want to give you, our reader, some different considerations when making those goals for 2025.

In January, individuals can start off strong with their goals and intentions. Occasionally, those best intentions diminish shortly into the New Year. One of the reasons that this can happen is that the stressors of life creep in and our expectations for ourselves are unrealistic. With that being said, before we even hit the treadmill or cut the poor health habits, we need to ask ourselves some important questions.

Are your goals fair and realistic?

Too often we make goals for ourselves that far exceed our resources and capabilities. It is important to ask ourselves if our goal is fair, even on our worst day. For example, is exercising every day of the week realistic for you? Is being 100% strict with your eating choices/diet fair? When we can have this viewpoint and consideration, it can help us to reassess the goals we have and make them more realistic.

What is your “worst case scenario” plan?

Have you considered what your “worst case scenario plan” is? What we mean by this is if you had no energy or resources, what steps could you still take to achieve your goal? On your worst day, what tools or resources need to be available to you? This thought can facilitate planning for hard days and can cause even your worst days to be successful.

Are your attempts better than nothing?

Finally, thinking about those days where we have missed the mark, it is important for us to examine our expectations. We are not perfect, nor should we be. Grace is important for any goal. This question helps to give an opportunity for grace, but still movement towards that goal. All or nothing mentality can be crippling, but by examining the small changes and putting value to them, we can move modestly, but successfully, towards our goals.

If you have found this to be helpful, there are many other great pieces of information in Dr. Cook’s book “Stress less and weigh less”. Even if weight loss is not your goal, but reducing stress is, this is a great resource to have. You can find this book on Amazon or at our clinic. We also invite you to consider putting a health care provider into “your corner” to help you successfully accomplish your health care goals. If you are ready for that support, feel free to contact our clinic. We are always accepting new patients! Regardless, we hope that 2025 is your best year yet.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let us know what you think. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact our clinic by calling/texting 226-232-7665, and we would be happy to book your naturopathic appointment today! 

Plattsville Natural Health Clinic Now Open and Accepting Patients!

Plattsville Natural Health Clinic is now booking appointments and open!

28575823_204940463590906_1464468058673915589_nWe are excited to announce that we are now booking appointments for Plattsville Natural Health Clinic! Our clinic will officially be open March 12, 2018 and we will be having a celebratory Grand Opening in the near future (we will keep everyone posted on details). For now, we are eager to serve the Plattsville and surrounding area! You may choose to book your full consult right away or consider booking a free 15 minute consult where you can learn about Naturopathic medicine and see if this medicine is right for you. Bring in your questions and concerns, and meet with a Naturopathic Doctor one-on-one. There is no obligation to book after, so what have you got to lose?


Provided below are the clinic fees which are the same as what is being offered to our Meyers Chiropractic patients through Dr. Elisha Cook ND.

Service Time Cost
Meet-and-greet session 15 minutes Free/Complimentary
Initial Visit 60-90 minutes $125
Follow Up Visit (long) 30-60 minutes $80
Follow Up Visit (quick check up) 20 minutes $43
Acupuncture/Cupping Only 30 minutes $48

These fees do not include additional functional or laboratory testing such as food sensitivity testing etc.

Services Offered:

For a detailed list of the services offered and conditions treated please visit the other tabs of this website. We offer a variety of services under the scope of naturopathic medicine that help one deal with the root cause of their health ailments.


Our hours are permanently listed on the contact portion of this page, but are also provided below for your convenience:

Monday                       9:00am – 8:00pm

Wednesday                  9:00am – 8:00pm

Friday:                          2:00pm – 6:00pm

Every other Saturday 8:00am – 1:00pm

For more information:

If you know anyone in the Plattsville, Ayr, Drumbo, Tavistock, and surrounding area that could benefit from our services, please do not hesitate to send them our information!

If you have any questions, would like to book an appointment, or simply want to learn more you can do so through one of the following options:

Text or Call our Clinic: 226-232-7665

Email us:

Find us on Facebook @ Plattsville Natural Health Clinic

Contact us through the contact portion of this website.

Please also note that Dr. Elisha Cook ND is still practicing in Woodstock at Meyers Chiropractic and Health Specialists at the following hours:


Tuesday                            8:00am – 8:00pm

Thursday                          12:30pm – 6:30pm

Friday:                             8:00am – 12:00pm

Every other Saturday   8:00am – 12:00pm

For more information on her Woodstock practice, please see the contact portion of this website.

Boosting Your Immune System

Flu Fever. Sick Girl Sneezing In Tissue. HealthWith the change in season, many people can become susceptible to colds and flus. With that being said, there are many things people can do to help boost their immune systems.

Stress Management

Being under a lot of stress can cause our immune systems to be more susceptible to bacteria and viruses. Stress can cause our bodies to be more focused on fueling ourselves with fight or flight response (ie responding to the stress) and less on protecting us from colds and flus, thus making us more susceptible. By managing stress before it wears our bodies down, we can keep bacteria and viruses at bay. Supplements or herbs that are called adaptogens may also be beneficial. Adaptogens help the body to modulate the fight or flight response and to recover from stress. To determine the right adaptogen for you or if they are necessary, consult a Naturopathic Doctor such as myself.

Vegetables and Fruits

Vegetables and fruits are full or antioxidants and nutrients that help to build and boost the immune system. By assuring the immune system has the right nutrients, it can help to keep the body strong and healthy. Ideally, having 3 servings of fruit per day and having 5 or more vegetables per day is what is recommended. Some individuals may require higher amounts of certain nutrients to be able to effectively mount an immune response to certain bacteria and viruses, and so may require supplementation for specific nutrients. Determining which nutrients need to be supplemented for is best determined with the help of a health care professional.


Having teas, such as green tea, on a regular basis can help to boost the immune system due to their antioxidant profile and their immune boosting qualities. Adding a bit of honey to your tea can also help to fight off any bacteria that might attempting to invade.


Exercise can help to boost the immune system by increasing the speed at which white blood cells patrol the body and look for bacteria or viruses. Exercise can also be beneficial for the immune system by increasing the respiratory rate and thus increasing the chance that a lingering bacteria or virus will be cleared from the lungs.


Getting a proper sleep can help you to better manage not only emotions and stress but also your immune system. Not getting a good night’s sleep can cause our bodies to be less able to produce T cells – an important immune system cell – and thus make us more susceptible to colds and flus.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

Naturopathic Approaches to Pain

Autumn Girl enjoying nature on the field. Beauty Girl Outdoors rPain of any type can be very debilitating. Not only does it affect someone’s physical functioning, but it affects one’s relationships, home – life, and overall well-being. With my training in Naturopathic Medicine, I have seen my fair share of patients struggle with pain and the abundant obstacles faced as a result of this struggle. There is hope. This blog will aspire to enlighten you to the different ways that Naturopathic Medicine can help with pain, and what the research says. I should caution you that pain is a very broad topic, and so with this article, I will focus more on arthritis, though this is not the be all and end all when it comes to pain.

What is Arthritis?

The word “arthritis”, when taken from its Greek context, clearly sums up what arthritis entails: “arthro” means “joint”, and “it is” means “inflammation”. Therefore, arthritis indicates really any condition where there is inflammation in the joint. There are various different classifications of arthritis, including, but not limited to Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout, Septic Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, and Lupus. Many other conditions may involve arthritis or arthritic changes, but these are the primary stand – alone classifications of arthritis. Based on these different types of arthritis, there may be different causes of origins. For example, osteoarthritis may be caused by excessive use of the joint, where as rheumatoid arthritis can be caused by autoimmune destruction of the joint. As a result, the approach that would be taken for each of these different forms of arthritis would be different based on their mechanism of destruction. That being said, some of the approaches listed below may be effective for some forms of pain and not others. This speaks to the importance of consulting with your Naturopathic Doctor for an individualized treatment plan that specifically fits your symptom picture.

Based on the research, the following treatment options may be helpful for pain and arthritis:

  • Traditional Asian Medicine and Acupuncture
  • Botanical Medicine
  • Nutrition, Diet and Lifestyle
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Homeopathy
  • Physical Medicine

Ultimately, the goal of treatment will be to treat the root cause of the pain. As mentioned above, based on the specific type of arthritis you may be suffering with, the root cause may be different for you versus another. As a result, the following list offers examples as to what goals might be developed for a treatment plan for an individual:

  • Correct for deficiencies
  • Reduce pain and manage it effectively
  • Improve mood (often individuals experience depression because of their chronic pain)
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Address and eliminate any triggers to inflammation that may be present in the diet
  • Improve immune functioning
  • Alter lifestyle and diet to decrease pain

How can Traditional Asian Medicine help?

Traditional Asian Medicine views the body differently than western medicine. Its theory suggests that when there is an imbalance in the body system, disease manifests. Each “organ” is associated with an emotion, and individualized functions in the body. For example, the liver and spleen control the functioning of the muscles, joints, and ligaments. In addition, one of the primary functions of the spleen is to Transform and Transport water. This could lead to an excess amount of fluid in various areas of the body including the joints. These organs may play a role in arthritis but this is truly dependent on your individualized presentation. Once a specific diagnosis is made, a treatment plan is created, and may involve using acupuncture, herbal formulas, diet, or lifestyle, all with the purpose of bringing the body back into a state of balance.

Specifically regarding acupuncture, acupuncture has been shown in some studies to be beneficial Rheumatoid Arthritis when combined with electroacupuncture. One particular study found that knee pain was relieved within 24 hours of treatment; and the acupuncture was found to have benefits that last up to 4 months in some.;jsessionid=67DB60F605B9F7B238341B5CCA2C903A.f02t03?deniedAccessCustomisedMessage=&userIsAuthenticated=false

Another study found that acupuncture was beneficial for osteoarthritis of the knee; specifically for pain an physical functioning.

Finally, in a study specific for patients suffering from gouty arthritis, individuals experienced decreased pain and decreased uric acid levels when treated with acupuncture for 1 month.

How can Botanical Medicine help?

Botanical formulas have similar effects to medications, often without the side effects, however this is not true for all herbs and plants. Specific herbs or plants will be selected based on their properties and combined based on the specific individual’s presentation and symptoms associated with their pain. For example, one person may benefit from decreased inflammation, where as another may need help with immune functioning. Some beneficial properties that some useful herbs may have include: anti – inflammatory, rubefacient, immunomodulating, and adaptogenic.

Much research has revolved around the anti-inflammatory effects of various herbs including some lesser thought of herbs such as stinging nettle and black cohosh ( A commonly discussed herb when pain is mentioned is turmeric. Turmeric has been shown to decrease inflammation, prevent inflammation, and decrease swelling (

How can Nutrition and Diet help?

Many different foods can contribute to inflammation in the body as a whole. The Standard American Diet (SAD) often promotes inflammation in itself, and so, can contribute to increased pain in individuals with arthritis. If an individual is eating relatively healthy, inflammation can still present itself. For some individuals, night shade vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, zucchini and eggplant can contribute to increased inflammation.

Similar to how many foods can promote inflammation, there are many foods that can decrease inflammation. These foods can include those higher in omega 3 fatty acids such as flax seed, hemp seed, and fatty fish such as salmon.

One study has shown how diet and supplementation can both by themselves or in combination help improve outcomes for those suffering from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis ( A naturopathic doctor can help you to develop a diet that best suits your individual needs, including developing strategies to motivate you to eat a proper diet. In addition, they can correct for any nutritional deficiencies that may be aggravating your stress and overall health.

How can Hydrotherapy help?

Hydrotherapy involves alternating hot and cold water applications to achieve the following goals: promote detoxification and relaxation, increase circulation, improve immune system functioning, promote digestion, and decrease pain. Based on all of the following actions, hydrotherapy could be beneficial for pain based on the different root causes. Hydrotherapy can be performed via a number of methods: constitutional hydrotherapy, sauna, peat bath, Epsom salt baths, or alternating hot and cold showers. In one study looking into hydrotherapy and rheumatoid arthritis, the participants experienced decreased joint tenderness and improved range of motion of the knees with warm water immersion (;2-J/abstract).

How can Homeopathy help?

Homeopathy is an energy medicine that involves finite doses of a substance that are diluted in water, which amount to a higher therapeutic dose overall. In this form of medicine, individualized remedies are chosen based on the individual’s specific symptoms and presentation. Each person requires a different remedy based on their unique presentation. Homeopathy does not interact with any medications, making it quite useful especially if you are taking other medications.

Homeopathy is challenging to study in research, but research does exist. In one particular study, the process of conducting a homeopathic interview is where some individuals saw relief from pain for their rheumatoid arthritis (  Other studies have shown that homeopathy can be beneficial for osteoarthritis pain and various other symptoms (

How can Physical Medicine help?

Physical medicine involves a number of different potential therapies. These therapies might include ultrasound, laser therapy, electroacupuncture, cupping or Gua Sha. The general effect of these therapies includes relaxation, increased circulation, decreased pain, improved wound healing, and decreased inflammation.

For example, some research has shown that cupping in combination with conventional therapy can help to modulate the immune system for the better in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (

How can Lifestyle changes help?

Various lifestyle factors can play a role in pain. By improving sleep, exercise, scheduling, and coping mechanisms, it is possible that some individuals may have reduced pain. Naturopathic doctors are trained to help individuals through lifestyle counselling, and can use methods use as motivational interviewing or cognitive behavioral therapy to do so.

Research has demonstrated that poor sleep can be quite common in individuals experiencing pain ( As a result, this can further increase their pain through being unable to rest and relax.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!