Healthy Freezer Meals

As we begin to approach colder months, many migrate to “comfort” foods and those foods that are quick to make, because let’s face it, we are all a little tired (am I right?). These comfort foods are not always the healthiest, and can lead to unwanted weight gain. With this in mind, we as a clinic have brain stormed some of our ideas and tricks for making healthy freezer meals to make meal planning easier. Keep in mind that these freezer meals do require a bit of preparing in advance, but it is well worth it.

  1. Stir Fry or Fajita Bags

In our household, we cut up carrots, peppers, onions, bok choy, and broccoli and throw them into a freezer bag for stir fries. Depending on your choice of meat, cook the meat as well (in whatever sauce you desire) and place that in the same freezer bag. When you go to prepare the stir fry, simply empty the content of the bag into a skillet and heat until it is cooked through. Add the desired sauce and heat for 5 minutes more, and then serve! For doing fajita bags, we cook the fajitas in advance, so we cook the vegetables (peppers and onions generally) and chicken or beef with the sauces. When we are done having our fill of it, we freeze it in a bag. When we go to use it again, we simply throw it in a wok and heat it up for that meal. – Dr. Elisha Cook ND

  • Chilli

We will do a double batch of ground beef (you can always consider using ground turkey or chicken instead) when making tacos or warps for supper. We will eat that for a couple of days – whether it is lunch or supper. Once we are all bored, I turn the ground beef into a quick pot of chilli. We will add all the vegetables in the fridge that need to be used up, a can of kidney beans, a can of chickpeas, a can of black beans and a jar or two of stewed tomatoes or tomato sauce. Add whatever spices you deem necessary for your chilli, and presto you have one big batch of chilli. Eat whatever you want of that, but put the reminder in single packages in the freezer for quick grab and go meals. – Jessica Yates RCRT

  • Breakfast Sandwiches

Begin by cooking up your choice of meat – either bacon or round sausage – but if you would like to try something healthier, consider turkey bacon, turkey sausage, or ham. Cook a tray full of whisked eggs (consider chopping up spinach and throwing it in the eggs for extra healthy points) and toast all of the buns in the oven. Then assemble with a slice of cheese. Wrap the sandwich in a damp paper towel that has been rung out and then wax paper and put it in the freezer. When you are ready to eat one, just pop it out of the wax paper and put it in the microwave for 1.5-2 minutes to heat it up. This makes for a quick and easy breakfast that can be packed to bring to work and microwave. – Kaitlyn Rowland RMT

  • Pineapple Chicken

Make pulled chicken, adding whatever sauces you generally would, and place in a freezer bag with some pineapple (for ease we just open a can of pineapple and throw it in with it). Pull the meal, and place in a crockpot in the morning when you are ready to make it for supper. It can be added to a meal with vegetables, rice, potato, or whatever you want to pair with it. – Dee Mosburger (Medical Administrator)

  • Meat and Vegetable Mixture

I cut up a lot of peppers, celery, mushrooms, and onions approximately 1 to 2cm pieces. Fry them up and add ground beef or ground chicken. When it is all cooked, drain off any grease and mix some barbeque sauce with your mixture. We have that for supper and freeze the rest in supper time quantities. It is great by itself or paired with rice. – Laurie Ransom (Clinic Manager)

  • Soup

Make your favourite soup and make sure that it is loaded with vegetables! Once you are done making it, have had your share, and are ready to freeze it, place the soup in one of two types of vessels: a freezer bag or a mason jar. For bigger portions, use a freezer bag. The nice thing about the freezer bag, is when you go to heat the soup up in a crockpot while away at work, simply cut the bag off, and place in the crockpot on low for 6 hours. Alternatively, to make a quick grab and go lunch, place the soup in a mason jar so you can grab it from the freezer when you are running out the door. It may not be completely thawed by lunch, but it is nothing that a microwave cannot fix. If you are trying to avoid using a microwave, you can consider pulling the soup from the freezer the night before and heating it before work to place in a thermos. – Sherilee Vorne CMA CPA (Clinic Controller)

  • Sheppard’s Pie with a twist

This meal is by far one of my favourite comfort meals. A lot of times, Sheppard’s pie is not always the best when it comes to making healthier choices. In our home, we swap beef for ground chicken, and regular potato for sweet potato. Cook your meat, vegetable, and sweet potato as you normally would for this meal. Assemble your Sheppard’s pie (meat, vegetable, sweet potato in order of bottom to top respectively) in a freezer safe container such as a casserole dish and place in the freezer with tinfoil to cover. This meal is best cooked from a thawed state at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, but it can be done from frozen, it just takes longer. – Dr. Elisha Cook ND

  • Casserole

I cook up a chicken (usually it is left overs), cut it up or shred it, and mix it with 1-2 cans of cream of mushroom soup (consider making your own or using low sodium options for alternatives) with a cup of milk. Combine this with frozen (or cut up) vegetables of your choice, salt, pepper, and whatever spices you desire. Mix it all well and put it in a casserole dish in the freezer. – Dee Mosburger (Medical Administrator).

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Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in any of the above therapies to help you work through your health concerns and are wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact the Plattsville Natural Health Clinic by calling 226-232-7665 and book your appointment today! 

Lifestyle Tips to Deal with GERD/ Heartburn

Gastro esophageal reflux disorder (GERD) or acid reflux can be caused by multiple mechanisms. For some individuals, there is too much acid in the stomach, for others there is not enough. In some cases, an individual may be eating too much.  Further, for some people, they can be eating a food that they are sensitive to – this can be determined with the help of a Naturopathic Doctor. Whatever the cause is for you, it can be quite uncomfortable. Some individuals might experience such symptoms as indigestion, burning throat, chest pain, chronic cough, difficulty with sleep and much more. Some lifestyle changes can help to address some of the discomfort and may even reverse the symptoms, but this is not always the case.

Have more frequent smaller meals

Having smaller meals can decrease the burden on our digestive tract when it comes to processing our food and creating stomach acid.

Do not lay down after eating

Laying down after eating can cause the acid to very easily ascend the esophagus leading to “heart burn” type feeling. By postponing laying down for several hours, this can help to prevent the discomfort. Therefore, it is also not beneficial to eat near bed time for this reason.

Chew gum after a meal or have a digestive tea

Both of these techniques can aid with the processing and digesting of food, thereby decreasing the burden on the system. In part, this is due to both moving acid down into the stomach. In addition, tea can help to relax the gastrointestional tract and increase peristalsis (movement) in the intestines. Examples of digestive teas include chamomile, peppermint, and ginger teas.

Slow down meals

In our society, we are always on the go and looking for convenience. This is where we have failed our bodies. We were not meant to be stressed and eating. Stress slows digestion and diverts blood away from the digestive tract, leading to more difficulties with processing food, resulting in indigestion. By taking time for your meal – for example smelling your food and chewing more – it may help your body to process your food more efficiently leading to less GERD or acid reflux.

Avoid tight clothing

This suggestion might sound strange, but tight clothing including belts can increase the amount of pressure in the abdominal area which can contribute to acid reflux. With this being said, it is important to consider the effect of excess weight around the stomach area and contribution it can have to increasing pressure in the abdomen. Losing weight is a touchy subject but is worth considering. If this applies to you, seek some medical input by contacting a health care provider such as myself.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

How to Help Picky Eaters Pick Healthy Options

Handsome Young Boy Eating BroccoliTrying to encourage your child to try something new that is beneficial for their health can be a chore-some task that can lead to arguments and even tantrums. Here are some tips and tricks to help your picky eaters pick the right foods.

Plan Meals Together

Planning meals as a family can be a great way to help each member of your family to get the foods that they want, and encourage cooperation with the meals that are chosen. This does not mean your child gets to pick the meal every day and that you have to eat pizza every day. For example, maybe your child gets to choose what meal you guys make on Wednesdays. If your child chooses pizza, then they have to choose at least 3 vegetables that go on the pizza, or choose 2 veggies as sides for that meal. By giving your child choices, it may help with cooperation, as well as allow them to feel heard.

Make Meals Together

Though this is not always possible, having as many meals as possible where your child is helping prepare it gives them pride in what they are doing as well as encourages them to eat it because after all they did make it. This should be done with caution – for example – do not give a young child a knife to cut veggies. It can be something as simple as, if the recipe calls for 1 cup of corn, then let your child add it to the mixture.

Eat Together

Once again, this is not always possible with busy schedules, but whenever possible, eat together. By eating together, your child sees that everyone else is eating the same thing, and so, might be more willing to eat the food that is put in front of them.

Make Food Fun

Arranging meals on plates into fun shapes or designs can make meal – time fun. This does not take a lot of artistic capacity, but can be something as simple as making a smiley face on the plate.

Use Colourful Plates and Dishes

Using colourful plates and dishes can be effective in encourage children to eat the particular food in that dish.

Have you benefitted from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.


Beach Body Tips and Tricks

Girl - Weight LossBillions of dollars are being made on the topic of weight loss. Whether it is self-help books, diets, pills, or programs, a fortune is to be made in regards to helping people lose weight. There is no magic pill for weight loss. Ultimately, the way that you will achieve your weight loss goals is through making appropriate changes to your diet and lifestyle. However, there are some tips and tricks that might help encourage your body to lose weight:


It might be surprising and sound very simple, but adequate, good – quality sleep is one of the ways we can prevent our bodies from “packing on” extra weight. When you do not get a good quality sleep, the following day you are more likely to eat 200-400 more calories! Giving your body the rest it needs will also help give you energy needed to exercise and make other lifestyle changes.



Starting your day off with a glass of water will help not only with appetite but also with energy. You are asleep for 8 hours (give or take), at which point you are not drinking any water. This causes your body to wake up in a dehydrated and depleted state. Drinking a glass of water helps to replenish those water stores causing you to have more energy and a fuller stomach before meals. Often, when we are feeling hungry, it might even be our bodies trying to tell us that we are actually thirsty.

Slow Down

In our society, everyone is on the run, and that includes meals. By slowing down our eating, we are giving our body time to release the appropriate hormones that will tell our body that we are full. It takes 20 minutes to release this hormone, and so, by rushing through meals, we are not allowing our body to know precisely when we are full. “Mindful Eating” can help slow down our eating to help our bodies know when they are full. For more information on Mindful Eating please see my Handouts page at

Smaller Portions

Everyone has heard time and time again to limit portions. A contributing factor to our larger portions might be the size of your plate. By using a smaller plate this will help to encourage smaller portions, as well as trick your mind into being satisfied (fuller plates tend to be more appealing to the eye hence why you normally want a full plate of food).


Note that anything beyond change in diet and lifestyle will not adequately retain weight loss goals. Please contact your doctor to inquire about how to make the appropriate diet and lifestyle changes to achieve appropriate weight loss. You can also come see me, Elisha Cook, at the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic (416-498-9763) and let me help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, please book an appointment with Elisha Cook at the RSNC today and let me help you achieve your health goals.