Five Foods to Eat/Drink to Help with Weight Loss By Dr. Elisha Cook ND

With January brings the inevitable New Years Resolutions. For 45% of individuals last year (in the United States), their resolution involved getting in shape or losing weight. Weight loss is not just about calories in versus calories out, it is also about eating the right foods. The “right foods” differs between individuals, but there are several foods that cannot be ignored when it comes to their potential in aiding with weight loss (aside from incorporating more fruits and vegetables in general). Below we have a list of foods or items you might consider putting into your diet to help shed those couple extra pounds and why they are so great for you.

  1. Chia Seeds

Chia seeds are small black seeds that can be added to almost anything (though it is important to keep in mind that when they come in contact with fluid they gel slightly). They have many beneficial properties that help them in the goal of weight loss. Chia seeds are a good source of protein, omega-3 fatty acids (not substantial levels to compensate for supplementation), and fiber. These components help to increase energy, decrease appetite, decrease inflammation and improve digestion; all of which helps with the path to weight loss. A caution should be noted for individuals with certain digestive concerns such as diverticulitis as the fiber from the chia seeds can be problematic and caution should be taken.

2. Sweet Potato

Sweet potatoes can be beneficial for weight loss for the reason that they can be a substitute for a regular white potato, which can be high in sugar and in glycemic index. A sweet potato has fewer calories than a regular white potato, and is high in antioxidants and vitamin B6. All of this in combination reduces the storage of blood sugar in the form of fat in the body.

3. Hot Water with Lemon

Starting each day with hot water with a slice of lemon can be beneficial for weight loss for a number of reasons: it can increase metabolism, stimulate digestion, and stimulate detoxification. By supporting these processes in the body, the drink may help with hormone processing and eliminating toxins, which could be key components that are preventing one from losing weight. Some sources also suggest that this drink can provide vitamin C, which some studies suggest can be important in weight loss.

4. Green Tea

Research has shown that even just 1 cup of green tea per day can be enough to stimulate increased metabolism. Green tea can also act as a substitute for coffee and the potential to “drink your calories” through having sugary coffee beverages.

5. Water

Drinking water is important for many bodily processes and functions in general. In addition, feeling hungry could be a sign that we are actually thirsty. By curbing your appetite through drinking water first, this can help with weight loss. Research has suggested that drinking a glass of water before each meal helped to increase potential weight loss by 3lbs compared to individuals who did not drink water before meals. Water can also increase the amount of calories burned in one hour, after consuming 500ml of water.

For weight loss in general, it is important to focus on everything in moderation. Even consuming too much of “the good foods” can cause weight gain. Consider consulting with a Naturopathic Doctor (such as Dr. Elisha Cook ND) or other health care provider before embarking on your weight loss journey to make sure you are eating the right foods and right amounts for you.  

For more information like this, or to book an appointment with Dr. Elisha Cook ND at Plattsville Natural Health Clinic, please contact us at:


Text or Call: 226-232-7665


Please note the information contained in this article is not meant to replace medical advice. Please contact your health care provider or Dr. Elisha Cook for more specific information about your situation.

5 Ways to Increase Metabolism

Girl - Weight LossMany individuals are looking to different weight – loss techniques to help get ready for bikini season – this includes searching for different ways to increase your metabolism. Increasing metabolism can help with more than just weight loss – it can also help if an individual ate a trigger food and is experiencing uncomfortable symptoms such as bloating, gas, indigestion, or constipation. In regards to weight – loss, increasing metabolism can be useful for kick-starting your weight loss journey or for surpassing a plateau. As always, please consult with a health care professional before trying any of the below recommendations. If you are interested in losing weight please consult a health care provider such as myself to get the necessary support you need. Weight loss that is achieved too quickly can result in an individual gaining weight beyond where they initially started. If this is you, consider emailing me or calling the clinic to book your complimentary 15 min meet-and-greet session to talk about your goals.

  1. Hot water with lemon first thing in the morning – before having anything in the morning, have a hot water with lemon in it. The bitterness of this drink helps to stimulate the liver and kick start metabolism in a gentle manner, without the negative effects on blood sugar that coffee may have.
  2. Exercise in general – e.g. going for a 20 minute walk, jogging, etc. More specifically, weight or resistance training can be quite beneficial for increasing metabolism if you are exercising on a regular basis, but have plateaued with your weight. Any form of alteration to your regular routine with exercise; whether it is increasing a weight, switching to cardio from weight training, switching to weight training from cardio, etc; can result in increased metabolism.
  3. More frequent, smaller meals – having six smaller meals per day can be beneficial in increasing metabolism by keeping metabolism “active” for longer (when we eat, metabolism increases). Studies have also shown that being a “nibbler” versus “meal eating” may decrease risk of thyroid conditions, diabetes, and other metabolic disorders.
  4. Green tea – green tea can be beneficial for increasing metabolism that are not solely based on its caffeine content alone. Green tea consumption can results in such effects as increased fat oxidation and thermogenesis, both resulting in increased metabolism. The unfortunate drawback to green tea is that one would need to drink 5-6 cups of it per day to attain the metabolic effects from it.
  5. Intermittent fasting – intermittent fasting is not for everyone, but it can be beneficial in giving the gut time to heal and process contents, while boosting metabolism.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!


5 Foods to Avoid when trying to Lose Weight

Girl - Weight LossWeight loss involves more than just taking a silver bullet pill. It involves diet and lifestyle changes that can be difficult for some to achieve. If you are one of these individuals that struggles with weight and needs assistance in this area, please seek medical advice, including a naturopathic doctor, in regards to your weight loss goals. However, avoiding these 5 food types could provide aid as well:

  1. High caloric and high sugar drinks – This includes most fruit juices, lattes, and alcohol. These can act as empty calories and cause blood sugar spikes that leave you fatigued and without the energy to make it through the day and even get in some extra activity time. These drinks may also dehydrate you which can further complicate weight loss.
  2. Processed foods – this includes such items as sandwich meats, boxed foods, etc. These foods are often high in salt, carbohydrates, and fillers that can prevent you from losing those extra couple of pounds.
  3. Foods that you may have a food sensitivity to – these foods are not the same for everyone and can be determined with the help of a naturopathic doctor. Some naturopathic doctors provide a blood test to determine the results. When losing weight, I find it more reliable and efficient to use a dietary method to determine the food sensitivities for you. If you are interested in exploring this more, please consider consulting a Naturopathic Doctor such as myself.
  4. Refined carbohydrates – this includes cereal, bread, pastries, cookies, etc. Especially when these foods are eaten alone and without a protein, they can cause blood sugar spikes and lead to excess sugar in the body which is retained as fat.
  5. Candy and high sugar snack foods – These items are fairly self – explanatory. Candy and high sugar snack foods do not provide nutritional aid. Avoiding these and only having them in moderation can help individuals work closer towards their weight loss goals.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!

6 Reasons Why Fish Oil is Beneficial for Health

Fish OilFish Oil supplements are one of the main supplements you will find on the market today. Many people take them simply because “I know it is good for me”, but do not fully understand the benefits to their health. This article is meant to bring to light some of the research on the supplement, and some ins and outs that are important to know for choosing the right supplement. Of course, when in doubt, please consult a naturopathic doctor to determine what supplement would best help you with your specific health needs.


If you are a patient of mine, you already know that I think ratios are important when it comes to fish oil. In short, children need more DHA as their brains are developing, and adults need more EPA to sustain it. As a result, the ratio of EPA to DHA needs to be 2:1 or higher depending on your particular health concerns. For example, if EPA is 200mg is a capsule, I would like to see DHA at 100mg or less. Some individuals may want to try to obtain omega 3s through vegan sources such as flax and hemp, but these sources tend to not be able to obtain the same ratio of EPA:DHA that fish oil can.


Ideally smaller fish sources, such as sardines, act as a better source for omega 3’s due to the lower mercury content in these fish. However, all supplements have to meet a standard in regards to mercury content, and so, if you are purchasing a high quality fish oil supplement made in Canada, they need to comply with this standard.

6 Health Benefits

  1. Joint Health

One of the main uses of fish oil is for pain. Specifically, it can be beneficial for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc. Fish oil helps to lubricate your joints and decrease inflammation, both leading to decreased pain.

  1. Heart Health

Fish oil can be quite beneficial for overall heart health by firstly improving the function of the heart muscle itself. In addition, fish oil may help to increase HDL (good) cholesterol, decrease triglycerides, decrease blood pressure, decrease atherosclerosis (i.e. plaque build-up), and prevent stroke.

  1. Weight Management

Fish oil may help to improve weight by decreasing central adiposity when taking with exercise. It has also been shown to aid with conversion of muscle to lean muscle mass.

  1. Mental Health

As mentioned above, EPA and DHA both have a role to play in brain development and health. In short, fish oil may be beneficial for the following conditions: depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and dementia.

  1. Skin Health

Fish oil can be beneficial for various skin conditions through its beneficial properties in addressing inflammation. That being said it may provide some relief to those suffering from acne, psoriasis, SLE, and eczema.

  1. Reproductive Health

In general, fish oil can help women who are trying to conceive, have conceived, and women who are not conceiving. In regards to pregnancy, fish oil may help increase chances of conception. Fish oil can also help to decrease inflammation overall which may contribute to premenstrual tension issues such as cramping. In addition, fish oil may prove to be beneficial for men experiencing erectile dysfunction due to is beneficial properties in heart health – specifically related to blood pressure, cholesterol, and atherosclerosis.

Have you benefited from reading this blog? Know someone that would benefit as well? Share, Like, Comment, or Tweet this article, and let me know what you think.

Some of the information provided above may not be appropriate for everyone, please consult with your doctor before trying any of the above. If you are interested in Naturopathic Medicine and wanting a different approach to your health care needs, contact Dr. Elisha Cook ND by calling 519-537-7058 and book your appointment today!